A Day In The Life Of Vincenzo Truden aka Vince Truden – A Truly Inspirational Mobile Street Photographer
Welcome to our exciting new column on theappwhisperer.com, this section is entitled ‘A day in the life of …’ and we’ll be taking a look some hugely influential and interesting people in the mobile app world. Ones that we think you will love to learn more about.
This is our sixth installment to our new series, you can read the others here, if you have missed them so far. Kicking us off today is Vincenzo Truden aka Vince Truden. Vincenzo lives in Turin, Italy and for a living is a computer technician in the public service. He is a casual photographer who built up his photographic experience by photographing many family gatherings.
In Autumn 2010, thanks to the enthusiasm of a friend, Vincenzo started his experience with iPhone photography and discovered that he really liked it so much! Vincenzo started off with an iPhone 3GS and published his images on Instagram. In 2012 he upgraded to the iPhone 4S. At first, he took photographs of many different subjects but has now discovered that his passion is street photography and he is constantly looking for new subjects and situations to photograph. Unfortunately he does not have as much time as he would like to take shots but he always has his iPhone 4S with him, therefore he’s always ready for that elusive shot.
Check out the full interview below…
We have included exif data, in as much as the app or apps that were used to create the final image. As many of the images were cross processed we have listed the apps in the sequential order they were used in the editing process, we have also provided links for each app to the iTunes App Store, just incase you’re inspired enough to try them out for yourself.
(If you would like to be interviewed for our new ‘A day in the life of …’ section, just send us an email and we’ll get it set up).
First Things First…

Copyright Image, Vincenzo Truden aka Vince Truden – ‘the guardian’ – procamera, cross process
JC – Let’s start at the beginning of the day, how does your day start?
VT – The morning is always a race,I always get up late! A quick breakfast, connect the headphones to my iPhone and run off with my bike to work.
Magic Hour…

Copyright Image, Vincenzo Truden aka Vince Truden – ‘style and a simplicity’ – camera+, photo studio fx
JC – When is your favorite part of the day for taking photographs, do you hanker for the magic hour or shoot whenever the opportunity arises?
VT – Sometimes I find situations or people that I like to photograph and then try to seize the moment but street photography is a moment in time and I am not always successful.
Photographer vs iPhone Photographer…

Copyright Image, Vincenzo Truden aka Vince Truden – ‘ The pink car’ – procamera, ps express, color effects
JC – How did the transition from traditional photographer to iPhone photographer develop? (pardon the pun).
VT – Unlike a lot of friends I am a born photographer thanks to iPhone photography. Since I got my first iPhone, I am passionate about it. I must give thanks to help received from a dear photographer friend too. I really like the idea of having a machine that allows me to always be ready to shoot when I see interesting things or subjects. It is very funny and easy!

Copyright Image, Vincenzo Truden aka Vince Truden – ‘life written in his face’ – camera+
JC – How often do you update your existing apps?
VT – Very often.
Location, Location, Location…

Copyright Image, Vincenzo Truden aka Vince Truden – ‘the corner’ – camera+
JC – Where’s your favorite place in the world for a shoot?
VT – I really like the city and then NewYork, Tokyo, Singapore and even my city Turin, is a really nice place to take shots.
Tools Of The Trade…

Copyright Image, Vincenzo Truden aka Vince Truden – ‘hard life of a street photographer’ – camera+, ps express
JC – Do you also use iPhone photography tool apps, such as The Photographer’s Ephemeris?
VT – No, I never used that tool.
Favorite Apps…

Copyright Image, Vincenzo Truden aka Vince Truden – ‘fashion adepts’ – camera+
JC – What are your favorite, at the moment, iPhone photography apps?
VT – At this moment, I prefer to use camera+ and PROcamera to capture and to begin post-production, then I use PSExpress, cross process and Iris photo suite.

Copyright Image, Vincenzo Truden aka Vince Truden – ‘hypnotic stairs’ – camera+, plastic bullet
JC – Where do you like to upload your photographs? Flickr, Instagram?
VT – Usually I upload my shots to Flickr, Facebook, Tumblr, Eyeem and Instagram.

Copyright Image, Vincenzo Truden aka Vince Truden – ‘defining route’ – hipstamatic
JC – Do you take photographs with your iPhone everyday?
VT – Yes! Every time I find something or someone, I’m interested in.
Favorite Subjects…

Copyright Image, Vincenzo Truden aka Vince Truden – ‘suspicious’ – camera+
JC – What are your favorite subjects?
VT – At this moment my favorite subject are both people and moments of ordinary life, I’m attracted to non-conventional people, these subjects are relatively rare in my town.
Advantages Of iPhone Photography…

Copyright Image, Vincenzo Truden aka Vince Truden – ‘flower road’ – camera+
JC – What do you think the advantages are of iPhone photography?
VT – There are many advantages for mobile photography, including:
- Portability of camera and good quality too
- Easy to shot/share
- Many apps that stimulate creativity to make art
- A great community of people interested to mobile photography is really great, to share pictures, exchange points of view and many other things all over the world.

Copyright Image, Vincenzo Truden aka Vince Truden – ‘the trio’ – camera+, photo toaster jr
JC – Do you edit images on your iPhone or do you prefer to do that on a desktop/laptop?
VT – Usually I prefer edit images with apps on my iPhone, but when I shot with my Kodak camera I use several different types of software on my Apple Macbook.

Copyright Image, Vincenzo Truden aka Vince Truden – ‘the man who has no identity’ – camera+
JC – Do you enjoy videography with your iPhone?
VT – Actually no.

Copyright Image, Vincenzo Truden aka Vince Truden – ‘with a dog’ – camera+
JC – Where do you see the future of iPhone photography?
VT – I see a great future for mobile photography, I find it exciting too for other people of all genders and all ages, like me many people can become a photographer.
Where In The World…?

Copyright Image, Vincenzo Truden aka Vince Truden – ‘laugh at the bus stop’ – procamera, cross process
JC – Do you think it’s country specific, are some nations more clued up?
VT – I think many countries are well informed I think it’s more a matter of mentality.
Public Places…

Copyright Image, Vincenzo Truden aka Vince Truden – ‘Movement at the station’ – camera+
JC – Have you ever had any ‘problems’ taking images in public places?
VT – There are some problems taking shots in public places, people are wary about the photographer, I’ve had to ‘steal’ a lot of shots.
iPhone 5…

Copyright Image, Vincenzo Truden aka Vince Truden – Default Camera and camera+
JC – What do you hope for in the iPhone 5?
VT – I hope for thinness, better camera and a A5X graphics cpu w/iPad 3 display technology.

Copyright Image, Vincenzo Truden aka Vince Truden – ‘misery and culture’ – camera+
JC – Finally, we must ask, what do you think of Joanne and theappwhisperer.com?
VT – First I must thank you for giving me the possibility of this interview. I did not know this blog before now, it was a great discovery and I think I will visit your pages often.
JC – Thank you so much for this interview, we love your candid street shots and we are sure our readers will too. Many thanks Vince.