New HipstaPak – Sao Paulo – Example Images By Nettie Edwards – @Lumilyon – Series 1
Nettie Edwards/@Lumilyon was one of the first photographers today to start using this brand new HipstaPak – Sao Paula – from Hipstamatic. We included some of her first test shots in our original post here. Since then, Nettie has been shooting more and just sent over these test shots taken using the Madalena lens with the Hipsta films. We will have more examples to show you very soon…(foreword by Joanne Carter)
dpreview Feature Our ‘Creating Magical Collage Ephemera Cards With Layout & Halftone Tutorial By Nettie Edwards
With many thanks to our linked site dpreview for featuring our recently published tutorial by Nettie Edwards ‘Creating Magical Collage Ephemera Cards With Layout and Halftone’ apps. This is an outstanding tutorial and we’re so delighted they picked it up. You can read more here.
dpreview.connect Features Our Nettie Edwards/Fox Talbot Article
Many thanks to our linked site dpreview.connect for featuring our recently published article (see here) with Nettie Edwards’ fabulous first for mobile photography, an exhibition at the Fox Talbot Museum, England. Entitled ‘Arrangements in Black and Grey: Black and White Photography in the 21st Century’ this exhibition also contains photography from five other photographers (not mobile) and is outstanding. I spent last weekend at the private viewing of this event and I can assure you first hand that the work on display is incredible. You can read the article on dpreview here.
Hipstamatic Snap Magazine Features Nettie Edwards’ Mobile Photography At The Fox Talbot Museum
We’re delighted to announce that Snap Magazine have featured an article on Nettie Edwards’ mobile images at the Fox Talbot Museum for the ‘Arrangements in Black and Grey: Black and White Photography In The 21st Century’ Exhibition- of which I’m attending this evening! So, if you download the latest edition of Snap Magazine to your Newstand and scroll along to page 20, you will see the wonderful article with four of Nettie’s images taken with Hipstamatic that are on display at the Museum. Also, if you click on Online at the top of the page, you will be taken to our original post about it. Well done Nettie!
The Royal Photographic Society Publishes Our News With Nettie Edwards
We’re delighted to announce that The Royal Photographic Journal, the magazine of The Royal Photographic Society have published details of The Fox Talbot Museum Exhibition containing Nettie Edwards‘ mobile photography images currently on display within their ‘Arrangements in Black and Grey: Black and White Photography In The 21st Century’ Exhibition. This article is in the latest edition, within the News section of the magazine and we have included a copy of the pdf printed version below. I am really excited to be attending the private viewing of this exhibition on Friday evening this week! The Royal Photographic Society is an Educational Charity promoting both the art and…
‘Arrangements In Black and Grey: Black and White Photography In The 21st Century’ – Fox Talbot Exhibition With Nettie Edwards’ Mobile Photography
We are delighted to announce that the latest exhibition at the Fox Talbot Museum – The birthplace of Photography – will include none other than Nettie Edwards‘ (@lumilyon) incredible mobile photography. This is a huge, significant and poignant step for the mobile photography industry around the world and one we are so proud to support. This brand new exhibition, ‘Arrangements In Black and Grey: Black and White Photography In The 21st Century’, concentrates on black and white photography and the question, ‘Is black and white photography still relevant today?’ is posed. The exhibition features six photographers in total who are still use black and white photography in their work. Styles and…
Mobile Photography & Art – Tickle Your Fancy #60
Welcome back to our sixtieth post in our Tickle Your Fancy section. ‘Tickle Your Fancy’ includes a round-up of between seven to eight links to articles from around TheAppWhisperer over the past few week, that you may by chance have missed. Just to explain the title for this section‘Tickle Your Fancy is an English idiom and essentially means that something appeals to you and perhaps stimulates your imagination in an enthusiastic way, we felt it would make a great title for this new section of the site. Artists cited include, Ile Mont, Oola Cristina, Natali Prosvetova, Kaaren Malcolm, Annie Helmsworth, Brendun Edwards, Nettie Edwards, Brett Chenoweth, Clint Cline, Carolyn Hall…
Mobile Art and Photography That Has Influenced Me with Meri Walker from the United States
We are delighted to bring you the twenty third in our brand new Mobile Art and Photography that has Influenced Me series of interviews at TheAppWhisperer. Within this series, we contact well established and highly regarded mobile photographers and artists and ask them a sequence of questions. Each one relates to mobile art and photography that has inveigled and continues to impact them, by other mobile artists throughout the world. Our twenty third interview is with Meri Walker from the United States, enjoy! In this interview, Walker cites work by: Brendun Edwards, Natali Prosvetova, Kaaren Malcolm, Annie Helmsworth, Brett Chenoweth, Clint Cline, Carolyn Hall Young, Barbara Braman, Nettie Edwards, Damien DeSouza, Teresa…
Memorandum of Sympathy and Sorrow on the Death of Arjan van der Horst – Showcase of Images and Tributes
I have been crying this morning as I created this showcase of all your messages and tributes to Ajan van der Horst. A wonderful man first and foremost and secondly, a wonderful mobile photographer, who we sadly lost last week. I created the facebook group ‘Memorandum of Sympathy and Sorrow on the Death of Arjan van der Horst’ and used all the images and tributes from that to build this showcase. Thank you all… Shirley Drevich, Cara Gallardo Weil, Armineh Hovanesian, Connie Gardner Rosenthal, Ruud Engenhulst, Heline Lam, Vivi Hanson Sacerdote, Paul Moore, Angelique Manchandra-Peres, Hennk Goossens, Louisa Dawn, Marie Raffalli, Jean Fabien, Giancarlo Beltrame, Marian Seid Rubin, Ger van den Elzen, Travis Jonathan, Jaime Glasser, Diana Nicholette Jeon, Mikey Dela Pena,…
MIRA Mobile Prize – Overall Winner Announced!
We are delighted to announce the overall winner for the MIRA Mobile Prize is Janine Graf with her rhino image with blue balloons. This photograph was chosen from the shortlist of fifty that myself and other members of the Jury had selected. It reflects high evaluation; consistent work; and was also the preferred image of the curator and the representant of the municipality for the MIRA competition. Many many congratulations Janine. This image along with the shortlisted images will be exhibited in Porto on 6 September at the opening exhibition. Many artists are traveling to this event, if I can, I would like to be there too. This is a…