Mobile Photography & Art – Tickle Your Fancy #62
Welcome back to our sixty second post in our Tickle Your Fancy section. ‘Tickle Your Fancy’ includes a round-up of between seven to eight links to articles from around TheAppWhisperer over the past few week, that you may by chance have missed. Please note, I’ve been a little unwell this week, so have not published as much as I wanted to. Just to explain the title for this section Tickle Your Fancy is an English idiom and essentially means that something appeals to you and perhaps stimulates your imagination in an enthusiastic way, we felt it would make a great title for this new section of the site. Artists cited include…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr/Instagram Group Showcase – 17 March 2019
‘Thank you for sleeping with us’, read the headline on my bill as I checked out of a hotel in Amsterdam this week. It amused me ‘thank you for sleeping with us’, why would they use that expression? Was it a nod to the infamous red light district around the corner? Being thanked for sleeping with someone, is a little patronising, don’t you think? I’ve not been thanked for sleeping with anyone before, neither have I returned the sentiment. If I was, I’d feel as if I had just completed a service, as opposed to sharing a vivaciously intimate moment. Or were they implying, how important it is to sleep…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 13 January 2019
Sometimes, when reading a book, visually I am often sped far away to artwork that has touched me . Such is the case with an unpredictable tale of passion and pianos set in 1880’s France and Russia that I am currently reading. Love is Blind is the 15th novel by one of my favourite authors, William Boyd. There’s more to this book than an ‘historical travelogue-cum-romance’, not that I have a problem with that. It’s beautufully written, deeply humane, entirely engaging and frequently humorous, what more could I ask? And when reading it, I frequently envision ‘The Lovers’ by Magritte. As you may know, two lovers are pictured trying to…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 16 December 2018
What is remarkable about your vision, as mobile artists, is that it remains intensely human rooted in common experience, replete with doubt, frustration but also conjoined with belief and certainity. Characteristics demonstrative of our obsession with this new medium. As your journey through this weeks showcase to the centre of the lyrical and artist narrative, your destination alludes to the ultimate climax and is swiftly tempered by the safety of its harbour. This showcase is at the frontier of the world of mobile photography and art. Enjoy! Thank you to all artists for submitting your works. If you would like your work to be considered for entry in to our…