Mobile Photography & Art Flickr and Instagram Showcase – 15 November 2020
Developing an impregnable sense of self confidence should be the basis for a contented life but however, it is often the first stumbling block. Artists’ falter more than many professions with this, perhaps not so much as comedians, both occupations involve risks but without taking them, we cannot grow. Self-acceptance should never be elusive, it should be something we spend time on encouraging in ourselves as well as honouring in others, never losing the former. Eventually this Covid-cloud we are all living beneath will pass over, but whilst it is still here, its more important than ever to be gentle with our handling of ourselves and with each other. Increased…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr and Instagram Showcase – 8 November 2020
When I think of still life, I revert back to its origins in painting. The ‘still’ often represented as flowers, fruit or other decorative displays. Created in history as a means for an artist to practice techniques but also to portray their wealth. It also acts as a reflection of time. What we never see is the human figure, still life is a means to communicate truths and stories about humanity. Still Life is all around us, it’s where we once were, or where we will be next. It offers another sense of life, a different way of seeing. It matters because we matter, still lives is what keeps us…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr and Instagram Showcase – 1 November 2020
‘An attempt at Exhausting a Place in Paris’ is a book written by Georges Perec and it’s quite wonderful. Perec wrote down everything he could see from a specific viewpoint, which happened to be a public piazza in 1974. He recorded people in the street passing by, the traffic, the birds, a wedding and a later funeral, litter, signs, signals, everything. It’s an elaborate and possibly obsessive glimpse into how the mundane detail can become a series of intimacy and remembrance. As this week in the UK and most of Europe plunge back into ‘lockdown’, or perhaps ‘lock up’ is more appropriate and we all await with shuddering uncertainty the…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr and Instagram Showcase – 18 October 2020
We try to make magic here at TheAppWhisperer.com as often as possible and I am very excited to announce that this week has been no exception… having bonded with Steve and Janet Wozniak (Woz) – Apple co-founder and his wife, four years ago, over our love, care and admiration for Carolyn Hall Young and her works, if you missed that please go here. I felt I should write to Woz once more and this time to share The Quilt Project – arguably considered to be one of the 21st century’s most important poetic pieces and a defining staple of mobile art. Now that we have published the official book for…