Mobile Photography & Art Flickr/Instagram Showcase – 8 May 2022
What’s so impressive about this weeks mobile photography and art showcase is how deeply we care about each and every artist, how the shape and texture of each of their artworks collide to build a story all its own. This showcase grasps for and ultimately reaches something extraordinary, gliding through the 21st century thoroughly immersing the viewer, it’s nothing short of a masterpiece. Thank you to all the talented artists for submitting your works to our showcase this week. If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art Flickr showcase, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. Alternatively if you’re an Instagram user just…
Mobile Photography & Art – Showcase – 13 March 2022
In these trying times it can seem so hard to seek joy in the simpler things in life. Yet, it is vitally important to find solace wherever we can, for me, I turn to nature. Lighter mornings, longer days, bobbing daffodils, tweeting birds, they are all still there for us, helping to lead us away from fearful thoughts. Walking in nature, with camera phone in hand, can lead to a spontaneous forage of images. Our gardens, once again, seem more accessible as the winter slowly recedes, warmer air complements the experience and it’s not alone, this weeks mobile photography and art showcase feels like we’re living visual poetry, effortlessly woven,…
Mobile Photography & Art – Showcase 7 March 2022
This week week have remained in contact with Teresita Alonso Garit, developer of the hugely popular app, iColorama who has been fleeing Ukraine. She is now safe in Poland but naturally exhausted and desperately worried about her family, some of whom are not with her. We continue to pray and hope. So many people have asked me how they can help and I will add a link here to do so, if you wish. If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art Flickr showcase, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. Alternatively if you’re an Instagram user just tag your images with…
Mobile Photography & Art – Showcase – 27 February 2022
This weeks mobile photography and art showcase is wholly dedicated to our dear friend, Teresita Alonso Garit, developer of the hugely popular mobile app, iColorama. She is currently trying desperately to escape Ukraine. Hopefully, many of you viewed our post from yesterday, with images Teresita has taken within Ukraine. If not, please go here. We have been in close contact with her throughout this war. The latest update I received from her was today at 8.30 am (GMT), she has nearly reached the safety of Poland but she cannot write to me until ‘we are safe 100%‘. Many of her family, as far as I know are still sheltering in…