You Are The PROOF – Mobile Masters Photo Contest – We Donate Prizes!
We’re delighted to be part of the Mobile Masters Photo Contest 2014. The aim of this second edition of the Mobile Masters interactive eBook is to showcase Mobile Photography as a distinctive and expanding new movement in the history of the art form. It will curate the best work of some of the most passionate early innovators of this underground movement with images that would not have been made just 3 or 4 years ago.
Last year’s edition was by invitation only, but with so much new and exciting work emerging from a diverse range of people and locations, the organisers wanted to invite all, from novice to pro, to submit work for inclusion. The world’s top 48 artists who are breaking new ground in mobile photographic image discovery will be identified.
A Unique Contest with Unique prizes

There are over fourteen prizes with more to come and we’re very proud to be asked and support this fabulous contest. We will offer two winners a featured article on of a Day in the Life Interview. This will also be solicited via our vast social media channels.
The winners will also be announced at the Mobile Masters/MacWorld event in San Francisco on March 26, 2014. This expo is the largest gathering of Apple products and fans (about 35,000) and has run for the last 28 years.
Contest Categories

The two defining aspects of mobile photography are image discovery and image invention and this is how the two categories are segregated in the contest. You can enter work in each of these categories but they must be separate entries and you should organize your portfolio links accordingly.
Category 1 Image Discovery – Thanks to its unique characteristics, mobile has allowed new perspectives and new moments to be discovered like never before in the history of photography. This category is about straight shots, with only limited manipulation to enhance the tone or mood, but not alter the moment. This is sometimes referred to as street photography and is about capturing true images, no matter where they occur.
Category 2 – Image Invention A combination of easy-to-use mobile apps and raw artistic imagination has opened up a whole new genre of manipulated imagery. Through “app stacking” and sculpting of pixels, emotive and evocative images are being invented. This category is about pushing images toward new meaning or into new contexts.
Notable Fine Arts & Mobile Masters Judges

A diverse and distinguished group of jurors comprising three from the fine art photography world and three top mobile photography artists who also are each seasoned with outstanding careers in the arts, these include:
1) Eric SHINER
Director of The Andy Warhol Museum
2) Stephen PERLOFF
Founder and Editor of The Photo Review
Visual Storyteller and Mobile Master
5) Karen DIVINE
Fine Arts Photographer and Mobile Master
Designer, Photographer, Author and Mobile Master
Entry Details

Easy to Enter, “One Price ($25) To Submit a Complete ePortfolio” No images to upload or forms to fill out just send a link with your payment. This is the a limited time “early bird” discount pricing… So Enter Now!
ALSO the first 25 entries get the AppAlchemy eBook Free!
Discount coupons being given out to a random selection of artist who send to the Instagram and Twitter hash tag #mobilemasterscontest include in the tweet! Watch your Instagram feed for your half price invitation.
Contest Rules and Eligibility

Six images from your portfolio will be chosen to feature on your spread. The original image (before any processing) will be needed and the finished image in the highest available resolution on each.
The artist must supply a horizontal video (taken with your iPhone about a minute or 2 long) explaining your background and why mobile photography is so satisfying to you.
Text of around 300 words with some details about your shooting and app processing techniques used in some of the images in your portfolio will also need to accompany the above.
The links to the original portfolio you sent to be judged along with 2 other related links and your email address. Look at last year’s edition.
You will have approx 2 weeks to get these items to the Judges. If you can not furnish all of these items you may be disqualified and another artists will be chosen.
Rules and Rights
ELIGIBILITY The Mobile Masters competition is open to any living mobile photographer, 18 years of age or older, from any country. Images must have been taken with a mobile device and then manipulated mainly on a mobile device as well. Professional photographers will be judged against other professionals and non-professionals against other non-professionals and students.
COPYRIGHT+OWNERSHIP OF IMAGES – Copyright and all other rights remain that of the photographer. Use may include publication in any Mobile Masters media sponsor publication. All entrants understand that any image submitted to the competition may be used by Mobile Masters for marketing and promotional purposes including in any media such as exhibitions, print and digital media directly related to the Mobile Masters, though there may not be monetary compensation. By winning or placing in the competition you are agreeing to be included in the winners’ ebook and gallery show.
Neither Mobile masters, Marcolina Design Inc, nor their sponsors, affiliates, or partners assumes any responsibility for photos submitted in violation of competition rules, or for those which violate copyright regulations. Mobile Masters will investigate claims of copyright infringement to the best of its ability, and will remove and disqualify images that are clearly demonstrated to violate copyright and/or competition policies. Mobile Masters will act to maintain the integrity of the competition and its affiliated entities, but is not responsible for any damages resulting from images submitted in violation with rules and regulations.
JUDGING AND SUBMISSION INFO - Broader e-portfolios of work will be looked at (via a link). These can be presented on any platform, such as Flickr, Instagram, Adobe Behance, Eyem etc. We recommend a concise portfolio as only the first 40-50 images will be looked at. First round of judging will be done by one mobile photographer and one fine arts judge. Second round e-portfolios will be looked at by all 6 judges.
Please do NOT send actual images, just a link so they can be viewed as a group.
Try to create distinct set of images in one link for the judges to see. (Flickr has some really nice tools to create different sets.)
Organize your link in to one of the 2 categories
1) Image Discovery or straight shots (can have some filtering for mood or clarity but not in ways that change or distort the image)
2) Image Creation or shots that are digitally manipulated with one or more apps (these images are abstractions, composites or painted to take the image into another context)
You can send to both categories BUT each would carry its own entry fee.
Please supply your phone number AND email address. No entry will be processed unless the entry fee is attached or has been pre-paid online. Work submitted without the proper forms and payment will be disqualified. Work must be postmarked by the deadline posted online. Mobile Masters retains the right to refuse any entry for any reason.
WINNERS AND PRIZES -24 main feature winners will be chosen (get a full page in the ebook with in-depth information about you and your work will be seen large) and and 24 mini feature winners (A shared page with a small showing of work from your e-portfolio link and short paragraph about your process with one link). You can see the distinction if you download the mobile masters ebook from iTunes on your iPad. By submitting an entry, you are agreeing to participate in this exclusive worldwide distributed ebook and print exhibition for exposure and will not be receiving pecuniary compensation.
Other prizes will be determined by judges scoring and/or by the sponsor awarding the prize. The limited prizes will be spread among the 48 winners and expect that no one winner can receive more then one of these limited prizes. Prizes marked RANDOM can be awarded to people that are not in the final 48 will be given out at the sole discretion of the organizers at any time.