Mobile Photography / Art – Saturday Poetry – Scottish Poet Robert Montgomery
Robert Montgomery’s poetry has become so ‘in vogue’ that some people are adorning their bodies with tattoos of it. (see below). Montgomery’s work reaches a wide audience because he shares it from advertising billboards and the like. He has also been involved with the ‘Pay with a Poem’ campaign, which allows customers in poetry cafes to exchange poetry for coffee across the world. The aim is that Montgomery will collect these poems and create an installation in a secret location.
It’s a very cool and a very interesting concept. I am all for reaching new audiences, whether we are discussing poetry or photography and art. Of course, I like to marry the two and this is the purpose of our Saturday Poetry column. I select one poem a week and marry it with an image that has been uploaded to our Instagram hashtag #theappwhisperer.
Today, I am matching the mobile artwork by Louise Whiting to the poem by Montgomery below and as featured on this young fan via Tumblr. You can follow Whiting on Instagram here @louisewhiting.
If you would like to view the other poems we have published in this series, please go here.
One of Montogmery’s Poems Tattooed onto a Fan via Tumblr

Mobile Artwork by Louise Whiting @louisewhiting via Instagram

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