Our Daily App Giveaway – Big Cats
Welcome once again to our Daily App Giveaway section of theappwhisperer. We value our readers so much we want to share our love of apps with you. That’s why we have created this new section as each day we will be giving away free apps.
Today we have Big Cats apps to giveaway, each worth $0.99/£0.69. This app allows tigers, lions, leopards and more – to decorate your phone with one of the beautiful, high resolution photographs, perfectly sized to fit your iPhone or iPod Touch.
With 60 images, so up-close, it’ll be like you’re actually in front of a real live animal. Choose from tigers, lions, snow leopards, white tigers and more big cats. Featuring an easy to use interface showing four images at a time, and a larger full screen view, you can find the perfect image and save it to your Photos application within a few taps – next set it as your wallpaper by opening it in Photos and pressing the 1st button on the left at the bottom, or via Settings -> Wallpaper.
Would you like to try this app for free and find out why we like it so much? If so, like us on Facebook (see bottom of page), join our ever expanding Twitter followers, RETWEET THIS POST and send a reply to the bottom of this page telling us what you love most about theappwhisperer.com. We will select winners at random and send the promo codes directly to your email box.

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