Mobile Photography – Cine Meter II for iPhone App Giveaway worth $24.99 each
In keeping with our regular giveaways here at TheAppWhisperer, today we are offering you a truly phenomenal app for your mobile Photography. This app is essentally a reflected light meter, an RGB waveform monitor, and a false-color picture monitor.
Cine Meter II works on any iDevice with a camera running iOS 6 or higher. It expands the original Cine Meter app with several added features:
- Cinematographer-oriented controls let you set shutter angle, ND filter compensation, and arbitrary filter factors, while Still Photo Mode hides shutter angles and frame rates for stills-friendly metering.
- Use the front-facing camera for “lightmeter selfies” – use yourself as the model when lighting a set (not available on iPhone 3GS).
- The zoomable spotmeter lets you measure light precisely from a distance (requires iOS 7 or newer, using iPhone 5, iPod touch 5G, iPad Air, iPad mini 2G, or newer devices).
- Incident-light readings including lux/foot-candle measurement with Luxi™ ($10–$30) or Lumu™ Lite ($99) attachments (Lumu Lite is available from B&H. The newer Lumu Power is NOT supported).
- True Color Metering with bidirectional correction calculation: find gels to match the measurement to your target, or to convert your preset color temperature to match measured conditions (requires iOS 8 or newer and a Luxi photosphere. Lumu is not supported for color measurement).
Cine Meter II runs entirely on your iDevice: it doesn’t use WiFi or mobile data. No ads, no in-app purchases, no tracking. If you have power in the battery and light in front of the lens, it will work.
Would you like a code to try this app yourself? If so, please join our Twitter followers here and like us on Facebook here and post a comment to this post (so we can obtain your email address), perhaps you’d like to give us some feedback, tell us how we’re doing, what you’d like to see…and hopefully, we will then be able to send you a code. All winners are selected at random.
Cine Meter II in floating-aperture, shutter-angle mode viewing DSC Labs ChromaDuMonde® chart.
Cine Meter II with a Luxi™ photosphere for incident and color temperature/tint readings, showing the color-correction panel.
See the light: Cine Meter II not only gives you exposure information, it shows you at a glance how evenly your greenscreen is lit, and where high-contrast hotspots and shadows are. With Cine Meter II, you can walk around, light your set, and solve problems long before your real camera is set up, making pictures, and running down its batteries.
- The light meter shows you your stop as decimal readings (such as 3.2, good for cameras with EVF iris readouts) or full stops and fractions (like 4.0 ⅓, good for cine lenses with marked iris rings). You can meter using shutter speeds, or shutter angles from 5.6º to 360º (especially useful when using Digital Bolex and Blackmagic cameras). You can add neutral density filter corrections and arbitrary exposure compensations. Adjust shutter in ½, ⅓, or ¼-stop increments and iris in ½, ⅓, ¼, and ⅙-stop increments (plus tenth-stop resolution in fractional displays).
- You can set any of shutter, aperture, ISO, or ND values to “float”: that value will change with the light. It’s like aperture-priority or shutter-priory, extended so you can calculate ISO or ND as well as shutter or aperture.
- The waveform monitor shows you how light levels vary within and across a scene. It shows you how even the lighting is on a greenscreen or white cove, and lets you see hotspots and imbalances at a glance. The waveform’s RGB mode shows you color imbalances in the image and gives you a handy way to check for color purity on a greenscreen or bluescreen.
- The false-color picture lets you define allowable contrast ranges, and see instantly which shadows are underexposed and what highlights risk clipping:
Cine Meter II in landscape orientation, showing false-color controls
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Himanshu Roy
This is really nice app. Like to use this app.
Wow! This sounds amazing! I would love to learn more and have a go at this!
Andrew Hemming
Its amazing how many professional features have been designed in to this app. A great addition to film making…
Jorge Femat
This giveaways are great, and the articles are very interesting, i really enjoy the “My Top Five Processing Apps”
Gianluca Ricoveri
Hi Joanne,
I have 3 lightmeter apps on my IPhone, but this one seems to be really great
I would like a code,thank you.
Ron Boger
Seems really intense in a good way. Mobile photography continues to shine, literally!
Ron Boger
This app looks really intense in a good way! Mobile photography continues to shine, literally!
Looks like a very useful App, need to test.
Very interested in trying this app’s capabilities – Thanks to The App Whispherer for hightlighting it and other great apps.