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How to gain more followers on Instagram

Are you trying to brow your brand or business trying to use social media and it’s just not working for you? Has your follower count begun to plateau and you’re not sure how to avoid this or gain more followers? 

Over the past few years Instagram has become incredibly popular reaching just over 1 billion active monthly users. Starting out, Instagram was a place for you to just post fun little pictures of you and your friends, but now it is so much more than that and is seen as a place to show off the more glamorous part of your lifestyle. Brands and businesses have also now managed to wiggle their way into the social media world, seeing big names like Nike and Levi. All successful Instagram accounts always seem to have one thing in common; they have a huge following. 

It can be difficult for a new account to get many followers and grow, especially if they have no other social media presence, but hope it not lost. Here are a few tips on how to gain more followers on Instagram.  

Partner up 

There are so many influencers popping up on Instagram nowadays, and they all have a massive following that you should be using to your advantage. Influencers are anyone who have a relatively large following and engage with their followers through social media. They can be anyone from avid games, to makeup artists, to lifestyle and home designers, to even just someone who came to fame through a viral video that they posted. 

A great way to get your account noticed is by partnering up or collaborating with these big stars or influencers, as well as growth services like Task Ant, in order to extend your reach to a much larger audience but also for this larger audience to be interested in your product or service. Working with influencers doesn’t only mean that you have to be in videos or posts with them personally, it could also mean that you send them one of your products and ask them to review it, or you invite them to come and look around your work space. The possibilities are endless, and if you end up having a good relationship with the influencers, they will be more inclined to promote your business and what it has to offer. 

Using a service like TaskAnt is also a great way to increase your follower base and extend your reach. Task Ant is an app that will supply you with the best and most applicable hashtags for your content allowing you to maximise your reach and show off your brand to new people.  

Know what your content is

The first step to gaining followers is knowing what type of content it is you want to post and what kind of content you niche or target audience will enjoy seeing and be more likely to interact with. 

When creating content you should always have a niche that is specific to your brand and style. This will allow you to discover who your target audience will be and what specific kind of content they enjoy. This is so important when it comes to gaining more Instagram followers, because while your product may be exactly what someone is wanting, if your content doesn’t not match up to their niche they will be less likely to follow you. It is also the best way to retain your follower base and keep them interested.  

Know how to create good content 

Instagram is the platform of glamorous lifestyles and extravagant standards of living. When posting to instagram it is so important to keep in tune with this style while also maintaining your own style in order to make yourself blend in and not stick out like a sore thumb, while also being unique and creative. This sounds a bit daunting, but it’s actually pretty easy, you just need to ensure that your content is up to standard with you competitors that you see on instagram. Make the extra effort to get good quality photos and videos.

Don’t use fake followers 

This should go without saying, but don’t buy followers for yourself. If won’t help you at all in the long run because these bot accounts cant engage meaningfully with your content. While this may seem like the easy way out, if you are looking to grow your brand or business and become more widely known, this is definitely not the way to do it. It is better to have organic growth, even though this may take a little bit longer.