Glass – New Photographer Focused iOS Photo Sharing App
Glass is a brand new photographer focused iOS Photo Sharing App. Although, as it is subscriber supported the developers are currently inviting members to join ‘as they continue to scale’. The founders Tom Watson, previously a Product Designer at Facebook (2009-2013) as well as Pinterest (2013-2018) and Stefan Borsje previously from Framer, have not crowd funded or attempted to achieve any funding for this app. The benefits of this includes the ability to forgo certain compromises including advertising, engagement algorithms and pivots to video. However, this leaves a deficit to their developmental efforts and therefore their subscription models look like $4.99 a month, $49 a year or, at launch, $29.99…
Infographic – From Kodak to iPhonography – The Evolution of Photography into Social Media
I am delighted to publish this infographic ‘From Kodak to iPhonography – The Evolution of Photography into Social Media’. Produced by our colleagues at the London School of Photography. Antonio Leanza explains in the following text how social media has influenced the way we capture images as well as our preferred hardware for shooting. (Foreword by Joanne Carter) “Photography is a medium we can all relate to on a personal level, whether that’s re-living the happy memories of a family photo or observing the emotions through a breath-taking landscape image. It’s also a medium that some of us have accidentally taken for granted. Has it ever occurred to you just…
iPhone Photography Tutorial – ‘Social Media Sharing For Mobile Photographers’ By Paul Brown
We’re delighted to publish Paul Brown’s Social Media Sharing workflow tutorial for mobile photographers – it’s an area that we all either take for granted or know not enough about, hopefully for the latter of our readers, it will be all the more clearer after reading this. We have published several of Paul Brown’s workflows recently. Please take a look at our Paul Brown archive here. Over to you Paul (foreword by Joanne Carter)… “iPhone photography and social media very often go hand in hand. Many iPhoneography apps have built in social sharing functionality. In some cases the social media capability far exceeds the photographic functionality of the…
Pinterest – Updated
Macgasm have featured this great update to the iOS versions of Pinterest today. They state that ‘when pinning new products, you’ll be able to view other products that have been pinned by users who pinned the product that you’ve just discovered’. Therefore, making it even easier to find the products that you’re interested in. This update also brings the addition of up-close photos of pins to the iPad as well as allowing you to edit your user profile. Pinterest if free to download and update of course, click here to do so. If you’d like to follow our board on Pinterest, please go here.
Pinterest Now Available For Android
Pinterest lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. People use pinboards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes, and organize their favorite recipes. Best of all, you can browse pinboards created by other people. Browsing pinboards is a fun way to discover new things and get inspiration from people who share your interests. This app has been available for iOS for some time and Android users have felt rather dejected, well, no need to anymore. Click here to head over to Google Play and download If you would like an invite just let us know at the end of this post.
Pinterest For Android Due This Week
Well that’s the rumor at least, VentureBeat amongst others are reporting that Pinterest is listed in the Google I/O app as ‘now available for Android’. Despite this, the company themselves are denying this, “In terms of anything being announced there, we’re excited about the Android platform and are working hard on building a great app. However, we don’t have plans to announce anything at I/O,” spokeswoman Erica Billups told VentureBeat today. Pinterest will be doing demos in a developer “sandbox” at the conference, according to Billups. We will have to wait and see of course, but we would expect to see an Android version of this incredibly popular app at some…
Snapguide Integrated With Pinterest – Creates Potential Advertising Possiblities
The first Apple app to integrate with Pinterest has just been announced to huge acclaim. Snapguide updated its app on Wednesday this week with the facility to share to Pinterest. Snapguide originally launched on 29 March and has ‘hundreds of thousands of users’ that average more than 23 minutes within the app with 7.6 million items shared to Facebook so far. Snapguide founder and CEO Daniel Raffel talked with Adweek about how that happened. “Basically Pinterest was interested in exploring ways that they could [entice app developers to build somethng that would] enable sharing [via Snapguide]. So one of their engineers came over and spent a couple hours over a…
iPad – Flip Pinterest HD : a Flipboard style magazine app for Pinterest – New
It’s finally here! The first and only app to turn your Pinterest stream into a beautiful Flipboard style iPad magazine. Open this app, login your PInterest account ,and start flipping. At the moment it’s only possible to flip through the photos in this version, features like repin, like and comment are coming in near future. This app retails for $0.99/£0.69 and you can download it here. To celebrate the launch of this brand new app, the developers have dropped the price of their other app, Pin HD for Pinterest to zero, you can download that here too.
iOS – Kuzimo for Pinterest – New
Kuzimo for Pinterest is an app that allows you manipulate a photo from your camera or library and pin it directly to Pinterest. The harmony effect will pull the main colors from the photo so you can easily create a color inspiration image and share it on Pinterest, Twitter or save it to your library. Other effects include sepia, two up, and color filters like black and white. This app is free and you can download it here
iOS – Pinterest – Updated
In case you weren’t aware, Pinterest is a Virtual Pinboard. It lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find in your life. People use pinboards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes, and organize their favorite recipes. Best of all, you can browse pinboards created by other people. Browsing pinboards is a fun way to discover new things and get inspiration from people who share your interests. And, it’s just been updated – this update includes optimization for iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS so that makes even more users love this app. You can download Pinterest here.