Mobile Photography & Art Flickr/Instagram Showcase – 6 November 2022
Thank you to each of the talented artists for submitting your works to our showcase this week. If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art Flickr showcase, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. Alternatively if you’re an Instagram user just tag your images with #theappwhisperer and well pick you up. Many congratulations to all of our featured artists this week, including: @theworldofmattparker, @soniabridekirk, @1000worte, @debergenseboekenkast, @eliza.tsitsimeaua, @jack__mallon, @cindykarpiphonephotographer, @janisbrandenburg, @ina95_loves, @lindahollier, @accidental_artist3, @krimzenphotography, @herwigclaeys, @sodium_light22, @after.1st.illumination, @leafandflowerimages, @rosiekimages, @ja_graham, @christineosobczak, @blueboy70, @jennifer.dimock, @rita colantonio, @oola cristina, @Susan Detroy, @Vladimir Dimitroff, @p.a. hamel, @Gianluca Ricoveri, @BLEC, @Erik Viggh, @Clint Cline, ©Fleur Schim.
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr/Instagram Showcase – 30 October 2022
Thank you to each of the talented artists for submitting your works to our showcase this week. If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art Flickr showcase, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. Alternatively if you’re an Instagram user just tag your images with #theappwhisperer and well pick you up. Many congratulations to all of our featured artists this week, including: Catherine Caddigan, Dragan Fly, Deborah McMillion, Fleur Schim, woltarise, Victor Reynolds, Susan Detroy, Catha Li, Star Greathouse, Gianluca Ricoveri, borisbschulz2009, rita colantonio, oola cristina, @marian.rubin_photography, @pause.and.breathe, @vickieiphoto52, @leafandflowerimages, @edytalinnanephotography, @bigganvi, @sukru_mehmet_omur, @micheldev, @dmreidmd, @1000worte, @eslieber, @otonoelito, @bethkarbe, @sandarroch, @jilllian2, @odinvadim, @sandralbmartins, @lifespyer, @camhaynes22,…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr/Instagram Showcase – 23 October 2022
Thank you to each of the talented artists for submitting your works to our showcase this week. If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art Flickr showcase, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. Alternatively if you’re an Instagram user just tag your images with #theappwhisperer and well pick you up. Many congratulations to all of our featured artists this week, including: @fichristian, @caragallardoweil, @mduyulmus_stbenoitsb, @_klimtt, @eafandflowerimages, @silke_metz_artivist, @lorelie2010, @odinvadim, @kwaneee, @krimzenphotography, @bonobostonecreations, @evabartospainterly, @jennifer.dimock, @eslieber, @hipstabell, @rogerguetta, @jenivoigt, @ja_graham, Catha Li, jilllian2, rita colantonio, Mark Swanson, p.a. hamel, Jon Arne Foss, Wes Dickinson, oola cristina, Francesco Sambati, Clint Cline, jun yamaguchi, lorenka campos, Suite116, Lawrence Lazare, Deborah…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr/Instagram Showcase – 16 October 2022
This weeks showcase thrums with full-blooded vivacity, your artwork leads us into a spine-tingling illumination of pure joy and harmony. Thank you to each of the talented artists for submitting your works to our showcase. If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art Flickr showcase, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. Alternatively if you’re an Instagram user just tag your images with #theappwhisperer and well pick you up. Many congratulations to all of our featured artists this week, including: @kein_grund, @@rodywal, @misterbis.marck, @pause.and.breathe, @christinemignon, @silke_metz_artivist, @christineosobczak, @mazetman, @lyne.nagele, @lifespyer @tankaqueen, @zevikoda_art, @effe5, @xxfromneptune, @seelooksky, @leafandflowerimages, @d_lee_inspirations @soniabridekirk, @adrianmcgarry, @_enlivenus, @before.1st.light, @_klimtt, Deborah McMillion, Gianluca Ricoveri, p.a. hamel,…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr/Instagram Showcase – 9 October 2022
What stirs you? Nothing comes easily, to create or compose something original with meaning of being alive, fresh and relevant, is difficult. One thing I have become preoccupied with of late, is the orality of imagery. We tend to think of photographs, paintings as visual work but there’s so much more there. More often than not we share photographs with others, at a gallery, within an album, on screen, and thus we oralise them. We express what those images mean to us, to each other, we weave stories together, storytelling is elevated to another level just as this weeks showcase is. Enjoy! Thank you to all the talented artists for…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr/Instagram Showcase – 18 September 2022
Why does anything exist at all? I’m an optimistic, don’t worry, but it’s a question which we all spend our lives trying, increasingly strenuously to avoid. Human life, is always held up against the massive fact of nature, impervious and indifferent to man. If we knew our exact end of life date, would we live our lives differently? When humans have brushed up closely to death, they have lived differently. I know that I do. I was lucky to survive at 24 years old with very serious liver tumours and luck really did play the main part in my survival. Consequently, I have felt on borrowed time ever since, I…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr/Instagram Showcase – 28 August 2022
Thank you to all the talented artists for submitting your works to our showcase this week. If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art Flickr showcase, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. Alternatively if you’re an Instagram user just tag your images with #theappwhisperer and well pick you up. Many congratulations to all of our featured artists this week, including: Susan Detroy, Gianluca Ricoveri, Catherine Caddigan, @fabiangonzalezcolo, @veciospare, @humancanvas232,@ange_ombre, @silence_photography__, @tintoftina, @sukru_mehmet_omur, @ja_graham, @vadqcooper,@vitormazzeophoto, @veciospare, @eliza.tsitsimeaua, @lucialexaa, @vickieiphoto52, @soniabridekirk, @mobilestorytelling, @cindykarpiphonephotographer, @head_attacks_crealitys, @debergenseboekenkast, @lyne.nagele, @leafandflowerimages, @robinrobertis, @iamcemis, @psychephoto, @pause.and.breathe.
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr/Instagram Showcase – 21 August 2022
Thank you to all the talented artists for submitting your works to our showcase this week. If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art Flickr showcase, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. Alternatively if you’re an Instagram user just tag your images with #theappwhisperer and well pick you up. Many congratulations to all of our featured artists this week, including: Deborah McMillion, Damian De Souza, Mark Swanson, borisbshulz2009, Karen Axelrad, @pochemu12, @remnants_captured, @eliza.tsitsimeaua, @vitolx, @soniabridekirk, @lyne.nagele, @cindykarpiphonephotographer, @debergenseboekenkast, @luison, @tintoftina, @christineobrienart, @iphotami, @soniabridekirk, @adrianmcgarry, @leafandflowerimages, @kerrycmitchell, @jack__mallon, @ginacostaphotography, @camorgan.art, @marian.rubin_photography, @nadvodnuk, @jilllian2, @lucialexaa, @christineosobczak.
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr/Instagram Showcase – 12 June 2022
Thank you to all the talented artists for submitting your works to our showcase this week. If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art Flickr showcase, please submit it to our dedicated group,here. Alternatively if youre an Instagram user just tag your images with #theappwhisperer and well pick you up. Damian De Souza, Jill Lian, Jun Yamaguchi, Fleur Schim, Clint Cline, ilovekongfu, Ian Clarke, Rita Colantonio, Karen Axelrad, Erik Viggh, Gianluca Ricoveri, Hanni K, Deborah McMillion, @vitolx, @filizakart, @eliza,tsitsimeaua, @vickieiphoto52, @jormain, @honor_life, @herwigclaeys, @dbgrayphoto, @f_flyte, @sandralbmartins, @lorenka, @rosaliehellerphotography, @seelooksky, @vickieiphoto52, @deborahmorbetoart, @adrianmcgarry, @lyne.nagele, @lorelie2010, @biju_ramankutty, @amandathomsonscotland, @alice1280, @pieterhagen54, @clarisse_debout, @cat.cel_edits, @silke_metz_artivist, @pause.and.breathe,…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr/Instagram Showcase – 8 May 2022
What’s so impressive about this weeks mobile photography and art showcase is how deeply we care about each and every artist, how the shape and texture of each of their artworks collide to build a story all its own. This showcase grasps for and ultimately reaches something extraordinary, gliding through the 21st century thoroughly immersing the viewer, it’s nothing short of a masterpiece. Thank you to all the talented artists for submitting your works to our showcase this week. If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art Flickr showcase, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. Alternatively if you’re an Instagram user just…