Mobile Art – APPart – Seventh Flickr Group Showcase – TheAppWhisperer
I am delighted to publish our very latest APPart Mobile Art Flickr Group Showcase. Curated by our editor Bobbi McMurry and produced by myself. Over to Bobbi…(foreword by Joanne Carter). “They say that time flies, and I’m here to tell you it fly’s at supersonic speed! My showcases usually feature twenty works, but given the length of time since our last showcase, narrowing to twenty was absolutely impossible. You’ve all been very busy creating and pushing yourselves to learn and grow as artists. Here I present to you fifty pieces from fifty artists all excellent examples of what AppArt is all about. Enjoy!” Huge congratulations to all of this Showcases…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 11 October 2015
The Nobel laureate Herta Muller once said, “language is so different from life. How am I supposed to fit the one into the other? How can I bring them together?”. Art has amazing power to foster collaboration between different societies and can be a powerful way to bring communities together. Art has the capacity to heal…One of the many things your art brings to us all is it helps us to recognise what we did not know before. Thank you. If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art flickr group, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. If you…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 4 October 2015
Your incredible mobile photography and art portrayed in this weeks Flickr Group Showcase makes it all look effortless and we know that’s no easy task. The cumulative effect of your art spreads warmth and richness throughout the world and I am very proud to highlight it here. If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art flickr group, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. Many congratulations to the following featured artists this week: Roger Guetta, Connie Gardner Rosenthal, Jim Yoksimovich, Mimo Khair, Beezzz_, Dani Salvadori, Ade Santora, Stef LP, Hussam Eissa, Shel Serkin, Erika Brothers, Michael Kistler, Jun Yamaguchi,…
Mobile Photography and Art – Flickr Group Showcase – Seoul Museum of Art Presentation
I am delighted to publish the Seoul Museum of Art Flickr Group Showcase that I presented within my lecture this week on Wednesday 23rd September 2015. I cannot express the impact it made on the audience, they were all thoroughly captivated and mesmerised by your art and the accompanying music. When it finished, there were loud comments of ‘wow’ ‘that was incredible’ and more. The duration of this showcase is over 9 minutes, the audience were transfixed the entire time it played. Thank you to all the artists I have featured here. There are so many more that I would have loved to include. This content and showcase are incredibly…
TheAppWhisperer – APPart – Infinite Challenge #2 Results & Showcase
Welcome to our APPart Infinite Challenge #2 Results and Showcase. Thank you everyone for participating in our second AppArt Infinity Challenge, I hope you all found it enjoyable. It was really exciting to see all your wonderful ideas and artwork stemming from a single image. For those who are not familiar with the objective of these Infinite Challenges, the point is to illustrate how “infinite” the solutions are to any given image. At AppArt, we are about using apps as our medium to create works of art, not about taking great photos there are other groups for that! This Infinite Challenge began with an image of a young girl looking…
Mobile Photography – Flickr Group Showcase – 5 April 2015 – TheAppWhisperer
Happy Easter everyone! Wishing you all a beautiful day, I hope this fabulous showcase of incredible mobile photography and art from all around the world, makes it even better! If you would like to be considered for our weekly Flickr Group Showcase, please upload your images to our dedicated Flickr group, for this section, here Many congratulations to the following artists for being featured this week: BlemishedEye – David Booker, Louise Whiting, Elsa Brenner, Waldemar Blazej Nowak, Susan Rennie, Marco Lamberto, Jormain Cady, Mark Walton1, Elaine, Lorenka Campos, Roger Guetta, Stef LP, Lee Atwell, Jane Schultz, Benedetta Falugi, Roy Moore, Vanessa Vox, Sara Tune, Cary Larrabee, Veronica Hassell, Agneieszka Domanska,…
TheAppWhisperer At The Photography Show 2015 – Flickr Group Showcase – 29 March 2015
I am delighted to publish The Photography Show 2015 Flickr Group Showcase that I presented this week on stage at show – 24 March 2015. The impact it made on the audience is one I will always remember, they were totally mesmerised by your art and the accompanying music. The duration of this showcase is 9 minutes, during the time it played, the larger the audience became with more and more people beating a path to see what we were displaying and then staying, transfixed. Thank you all who contributed to this specially set up group for the show. Many of these images were created new for the presentation and…
Mobile Photography – Flickr Group Showcase – 8 March 2015 – TheAppWhisperer
Wow! This is a really strong group of images representing the very best of mobile photography and art from around the world this week. I hope you all enjoy this as much as I do. If you would like to be considered for our weekly Flickr Group Showcase, please upload your images to our dedicated Flickr group, for this section, here Music this week is ‘Revival’ by Fisher Many congratulations to the following artists for being featured this week: Chris Harland, Karen Divine, Angie Johnson, Koos Henning, Juta Jazz, Jormain Cady, Tracey Renehan, Kristie, David Rondeau, Michael Trombley, Michelle Robinson, Bobbi McMurry, Jane Schultz, Meri Walker, Diana Nicholette Jeon, Poetic…
Mobile Photography – Flickr Group Showcase – 1 February 2015 – TheAppWhisperer
You’re going to love this! This weeks Flickr Group Showcase of mobile photography and art from around the world is absolutely bursting with creativity, atmosphere and talent. It’s a huge honour to present this incredible work. I hope you all enjoy this showcase as much as I do. If you would like to be considered for our weekly Flickr Group Showcase, please upload your images to our dedicated Flickr group, for this section, here With many thanks to our Flickr Group Showcase Sponsors – Olloclip.com Music this week is by Angels of Venice ‘A Chantar Mer’ (link) Huge congratulations to the following featured artists this week: Gizem Karayavuz, Mohsen Chinehkesh,…
Mobile Photography – Flickr Group Showcase – 25 January 2015 – TheAppWhisperer
Oh wow! We have just completed this weeks mobile photography and art Flickr Group Showcase and it is absolutely bursting with creativity and talent. I hope you all enjoy this showcase as much as I do. If you would like to be considered for our weekly Flickr Group Showcase, please upload your images to our dedicated Flickr group, for this section, here With many thanks to our Flickr Group Showcase Sponsors – Olloclip.com Music this week is by Jasmine Ash ‘Fall’ Each image can be viewed on Flickr by clicking on the relevant artist below: Cedric Blanchon, Morganistik, Ayllin Argun, Nick Kenrick, Alan Kastner, Mike Bowers, Roger Guetta, Cathrine Halsor,…