Grand Flickr Group Showcase of 2017 – TheAppWhisperer – Mobile Photography and Art
Merry Christmas! This Grand Flickr Group Showcase of 2017 represents our top favourited images from our Flickr Group – Mobile Photography & Imagery. Each week we have produced a showcase and we have selected images from all of those showcases to bring you this epic finale of the year of 2017! I want you all to enjoy this showcase, each one of you, some I know more than others, but all I recognise and am in awe of your talents. Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, enjoy this mobile photography and art showcase with untapped emotion and tenderness. We have the chemistry just right, with meaningful dialogue throughout, this is…
Mobile Photography – StreetWise Autumn Showcase 2017
“Taking an image, freezing a moment, reveals how rich reality is” Ansel Adams Hello Everyone! Thank you for submitting your images to StreetWise Flickr group. Lee and I continue to be amazed at all the wonderful photographs submitted to StreetWise. We are proud to curate so many incredible artists from around the world, this is truly an international and diverse group, and it is our honor to share the showcases with you. As we have often found, Lee and I were challenged to choose such few images for the Autumn showcase from all those that were submitted and we want you to know that we appreciate each and every post!…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 29 October 2017
This week has been an interesting one, half way through it I spoke with highly talented mobile artist, Jane Schulz on the telephone. Now hearing is not my forte, as many of you know, it comes with the territory of being severely to moderately deaf but I do try. I like to think of myself more as a listener. Anyway, between the bumps, silences and crashes of our telephone call, we discussed the ‘state’ of mobile photography and art today, not so much the talent, which rises each week but more the state of the community. To me, the community is the most important area, it’s one where we conjoin,…
Mobile Photography – StreetWise Showcase – February 2017
“If you can smell the street by looking at the photo, it’s a street photograph” Bruce Gilden. Hello everyone! Thank you all for submitting your images to our StreetWise Flickr group during the month of February. We are always so inspired to see the quality of photography submitted to our group from around the world and it is an honor to share the showcases with you. It is always incredibly difficult for us to choose such few images for the showcase from all those that were submitted and we want you to know we appreciate each and every post. As a reminder, we choose images for the showcase that are…
Mobile Photography – StreetWise Showcase – January 2017
”The marvels of daily life are exciting; no movie director can arrange the unexpected that you find in the street” Robert Doisneau Hello everyone! Thank you all for submitting your images to our StreetWise Flickr group during the month of January. We were very moved to see all of your street captures from around the world and we hope you will enjoy this month’s showcase. It is always very difficult for us to choose such few images for the showcase from all those that were submitted and we want you to know we appreciate each and every post. As a reminder, we choose images for the showcase that are in…
Mobile Photography Awards Sixth Annual Awards – Results!
We’re delighted to reveal that the Mobile Photography Awards (MPA) 2016 Results have now been announced. As always we (I speak as a member of the Jury) were succumbed by the wealth of talent displayed across our screens. We’ve had more entries to this competition than ever before and the quality of submissions has been totally outstanding across all the categories. Personally, it was an honour for me to be asked to be a key member of this jury for the 5th consecutive year by founder of the Mobile Photography Awards, Daniel Berman and also to serve with James Bacchi, Annette Schutz, Evgeny Tchebotarev, Jen Pollack Bianco, Brendan O Se,…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase 29 January 2017
“There are so many things that art can’t do. It can’t bring the dead back to life, it can’t mend arguments between friends, or cure AIDS, or halt the pace of climate change. All the same, it does have some extraordinary functions, some odd negotiating ability between people, including people who never meet and yet who infiltrate and enrich each other’s lives. It does have a capacity to create intimacy; it does have a way of healing wounds, and better yet of making it apparent that not all wounds need healing and not all scars are ugly”. Another quote from the book that I am still studying (that I mentioned…
Mobile Photography and Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 28 June 2015 – TheAppWhisperer
The high level of mobile photography and art represented in this weeks’ curated set is incredible. It’s truly beautiful and I am sure you will all enjoy this as much as I do. If you would like to be considered for our weekly Flickr Group Showcase, please upload your images to our dedicated Flickr group, for this section, here Many congratulations to the following artists for being featured this week: Mateusz Jaszak, Serdar Turkoglu, Marco Lamberto, Roger Guetta, borisbschulz2009, Lorenka Campos, Christophe Brutel, Lea Lovora, Vivi, Claude Panneton, Eliza Badoiu, Dixon Hamby, Marco Lamberto, Shel Serkin, Roger Guetta, Sandra Becker, Aylin Argun, Jiri Dvorak, Alain Paris, Vanessa Vox, Jun Yamaguchi,…
TheAppWhisperer At The Photography Show 2015 – Flickr Group Showcase – 29 March 2015
I am delighted to publish The Photography Show 2015 Flickr Group Showcase that I presented this week on stage at show – 24 March 2015. The impact it made on the audience is one I will always remember, they were totally mesmerised by your art and the accompanying music. The duration of this showcase is 9 minutes, during the time it played, the larger the audience became with more and more people beating a path to see what we were displaying and then staying, transfixed. Thank you all who contributed to this specially set up group for the show. Many of these images were created new for the presentation and…
New Mobile Photography Competition – MIRA Mobile Prize 2015 – FREE To Enter
I am very pleased to announce the new MIRA Mobile Prize Competition is open for entries. This is the second year of this popular competition and I am delighted once again to have been asked to join the Jury. This competition is purely for mobile photography and the theme is ‘Street Photography of the World’ – there should be some fabulous entries and we’re expecting many from our popular Streets Ahead column. The rules are straight forward, you may enter a maximum of three photographs, the deadline is 15 March 2015 and there are no fees to be paid. The overall winner will receive a week in Porto (six days,…