Mobile Photography – Instagram TAKEOVER with @before.1st.light – Days 6 & 7
We are so grateful to @before.1st.light – Jane Schultz, whom we entrusted with our Instagram account on 4th December 2017 for seven days after she was gracefully handed the baton by @lee_atwell – Lee Atwell, after she received it from @psychephoto – Robin Cohen.
On Day 6 @before.1st.light highlighted a brilliant artist whom we greatly admire, who is also AppArt Editor @sugarama – Bobbi McMurry, she writes “today’s feature is by @sugarama. Bobbi is the master of AppArt, creating magical images beyond our wildest imagination. Here she is in a creative self portrait that takes you into the depths of her mind. Thank you for sharing your wonderful work with us Bobbi”. On Day 7 @before.1st.light highlighted another artist who we have long admired, @trishg61, she writes “Hello, today is the last day of my weeklong takeover of the @theappwhisperer. Thank you Joanne, it’s been a blast and an honor being you! My last feature is by @trishg61. Patricia’s work abounds with creativity resulting in colourful colleges and interesting compositions. Thank you for sharing your wonderful work with us Patricia”. Finally and sadly for us, @before.1st.light published her final image and beautifully, it was one of hers, she said “Hello AppWhisperers. It’s @before.1st.light saying goodbye on my last day sitting in as The App Whisperer. Thank you so much for this opportunity Joanne! 🙌🏻Please keep tagging your best stuff to #theappwhisperer as I pass the baton on”.
We are going to miss @before.1st.light very much but we are also excited to announce our new Instagram TAKEOVER, in our next post….
If you want to keep track of all that @before.1st.light views, please head over to our Instagram feed, here. Please tag your images with #TheAppWhisperer if you hope to be found and possibly featured.

Hello again
We wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t necessary for the future of TheAppWhisperer.com. More people than ever are reading TheAppWhisperer.com and we could not be more excited about that. We bring you ad-free journalism every day, so you don’t have to close windows and be distracted with advertisements. We specialise in mobile photography and mobile art and we value all of our readers, writers, contributors and viewers but we do have costs and we do need to ask for your help. We at TheAppWhisperer spend many hours each day, each week and each month to bring you this high quality level of journalism. We do it because we are passionate about it and because we want others to be as passionate too.
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