Mobile Photography Flickr Group Showcase – TheAppWhisperer (TAW) – September 1, 2013
We have just finished curating this weeks’ Flickr Group Showcase, our 30th of the year and once again, it is outstanding and full of incredible mobile photography and art. It is a joy to curate and a pleasure to view. If you would like to be considered for our weekly Flickr Group Showcase, please upload your images to our dedicated Flickr group, for this section, here. With many thanks to our Flickr Group Showcase Sponsors – Olloclip.com Each image can be viewed on Flickr by clicking on the relevant artist below: Pirmin Follmi, Maarten Oortwijn, Clint Cline, Amo iPhoneography, Ade Santora, Cedric Blanchon, Michal Koralewski, Lee Thatcher, Felix Monasakanian, Aylin…
The App Whisperer – Flickr Group Showcase – July 7, 2013
We have put together another very special Flickr group showcase , our twenty third of 2013 with some of our favorite images and some great new talent that have been uploaded to our Flickr group – Mobile Photography & Imagery, this week. The quality of submissions continues to rise, so we have decided to make our showcases that much bigger to incorporate as much of this stunning mobile art and photography as we can and to get it out to a wider audience. Each image can be viewed on Flickr by clicking on the relevant artist below: _Lna, Allison Pistohl, Fabio D’Andrea, o’Brendan, Tracey Renehan, Creo Humaniac, Cedric Blanchon, Patty…
The App Whisperer – Flickr Group Showcase – June 29, 2013
We have put together another very special Flickr group showcase , our twenty second of 2013 with some of our favorite images and some great new talent that have been uploaded to our Flickr group – Mobile Photography & Imagery, this week. The quality of submissions continues to rise, so we have decided to make our showcases that much bigger to incorporate as much of this stunning mobile art and photography as we can and to get it out to a wider audience. Each image can be viewed on Flickr by clicking on the relevant artist below: Paul J Rose, Scott Terrill, Thomas Kakareko, Liz Traynor, Pirmin Follmi, Sharon LuVisi,…
The App Whisperer – Flickr Group Showcase – June 23, 2013
We have put together another very special Flickr group showcase , our twenty first of 2013 with some of our favorite images and some great new talent that have been uploaded to our Flickr group – Mobile Photography & Imagery, this week. The quality of submissions continues to rise, so we have decided to make our showcases that much bigger to incorporate as much of this stunning mobile art and photography as we can and to get it out to a wider audience. Each image can be viewed on Flickr by clicking on the relevant artist below: Annie Mallegol, ari_5, Mark T Simmons, Sean Hayes, Shel Serkin, Jeanette Vazquez, Masaki…
The App Whisperer – Flickr Group Showcase – May 5, 2013
We have put together another very special Flickr group showcase , our sixteenth of 2013 with some of our favorite images and some great new talent that have been uploaded to our Flickr group – Mobile Photography & Imagery, this week. The quality of submissions continues to rise, so we have decided to make our showcases that much bigger to incorporate as much of this stunning mobile art and photography as we can and to get it out to a wider audience. Each image can be viewed on Flickr by clicking on the relevant artist below: Clearer Reflections, J.A.D.A., Thomas Kakareko, Catherine Restivo, Nettie Edwards, riaarseth2010, iquanyin moon, borisbschulz, Takahumi…
The App Whisperer – Flickr Group Showcase – April 21, 2012
We have put together another very special Flickr group showcase , our fourteenth of 2013 with some of our favorite images and some great new talent that have been uploaded to our Flickr group – Mobile Photography & Imagery, this week. The quality of submissions continues to rise, so we have decided to make our showcases that much bigger to incorporate as much of this stunning mobile art and photography as we can and to get it out to a wider audience. Each image can be viewed on Flickr by clicking on the relevant artist below: Gunnar’s BlickWerk, Ruthie St Steven, Grace Brignolle, Keith Kwok, Phoneographer, Rolando Oliveria, David O…
The App Whisperer – Flickr Group Showcase – April 7, 2013
We have put together another very special Flickr group showcase , our twelth of 2013 with some of our favorite images and some great new talent that have been uploaded to our Flickr group – Mobile Photography & Imagery, this week. The quality of submissions continues to rise, so we have decided to make our showcases that much bigger to incorporate as much of this stunning mobile art and photography as we can and to get it out to a wider audience. Each image can be viewed on Flickr by clicking on the relevant artist below: Scott Woodward, Millo Salagado, Patrick Ryan, Laura Peischl, RobinLDN, ShelSerkin, Andy Royston, Gusbano, Jon…
Our Flickr Group Showcase – March 24, 2013
We have put together another very special Flickr group showcase , our eleventh of 2013 with some of our favorite images and some great new talent that have been uploaded to our Flickr group – Mobile Photography & Imagery, this week. The quality of submissions continues to rise, so we have decided to make our showcases that much bigger to incorporate as much of this stunning mobile art and photography as we can and to get it out to a wider audience. Each image can be viewed on Flickr by clicking on the relevant artist below: Lanie Heller, Star Rush, Jamie Stewart, BlemishedEye, Cindy Patrick, Elaina Wilcox, Tetsuya Ishiyama, Aylin…
Our Flickr Group Showcase – Mobile Photography & Imagery – December 30, 2012
Don’t miss this weeks’ Flickr Group Showcase – our group Mobile Photography and Imagery is growing all the time. We now have 17,413 images uploaded to our group. This week we have expanded the image volume once again, we we have included over twice the amount of images that we usually do, we think you’re going to love this extraordinary journey. With special thanks to: Brendan, Jamie Stewart, Melissa Vincent, Paula Gardener, VeronicainMo, blur_devil, Tess Gomm, Emily Reid, RobinLDN, Mel de K, Michael Hill, on2alan, Non Ho Paura, Shane Martin, Aldo Pacheco, Luxtra, Lea Zimany, Gary Gardiner, Catherine Restivo, Laura Peischl, Nettie Edwards, Barbara Paulsen, Jennifer Bracewell, Shel Serkin, kCe7,…