Mobile Photography – Portrait of an Artist – Twenty Seventh Video Showcase
We are delighted to present our 27th Portrait of an Artist Video Showcase. Ile Mont our highly talented Editor for our Portrait of an Artist Column has curated the most astonishing showcase. Each image is related to the previous and the ensuing, the personal associations that underpin their selection remain mysterious. Entirely intentional, this is a bold and atypical showcase, wholly satisfying, signalling a shift away from poetic documentary and towards conceptualism. Enjoy! (Foreword by Joanne Carter) If you are not a member of our Facebook group… we highly recommend that you join us! This is our space for sharing newsworthy information and conducting discussions (what, when, where, why and…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 10 June 2018
“Happily ever after is a very relative thing. I’m grateful that I get to be alive”, this is one of the many excerpts from the deepest conversations I had for many years, with our mutual friend, dear Carolyn Hall Young. I miss her immensely, everyday and everyone I’ve ever spoken to, who has known her, has the same feelings. Why is it that some people make such an impact on our lives, out of the thousands and thousands that we know now or will know, what is it, that pushes them into our hearts and keeps them there? There are many answers to this complex question and I would say…
Mobile Photography – Instagram TAKEOVER with @lisarmitchellphotography – Days 6 – 10
We are so excited with our latest Instagram TAKEOVER this time with @lisarmitchellphotography – Lisa Mitchell, she is a highly respected and talented mobile photographer/artist with the most discerning eye. Mitchell has been granted full access to our Instagram account and she is doing a very impressive job. We are very proud of her! On Day 6 @lisarmitchellphotography writes “Day 6 of my IG takeover, and today I have chosen this wonderful image by @lorenka . I am an avid follower of Lorenka’s beautifully, emotive work. It speaks to me from the heart. The different facets to this piece with it’s clever layering and textural images are simply divine ❤”…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 10 March 2018
Sometimes when curating and putting together our mobile photography and art showcase, as I work long hours, tiredness creeps in and it’s at those times when semi consciousness takes over and the real creativity happens. I think this is the case for many artists, creativity can not be turned on and off with the flick of switch, sometimes it takes a while for it to start building and smouldering and as the heat builds and builds it becomes the all encompassing climax of our vigorous lives. There is much talent in this showcase, matched with fierce, compassionate and revelatory art. Enjoy this piercingly tender film, it’s one that will make…
Grand Flickr Group Showcase of 2016 – TheAppWhisperer – Mobile Photography and Art
I had intended to publish our 2016 Grand Flickr Group Showcase of Mobile Photography and Art on Christmas Day this year. I had prepared most of it ahead of time and was relatively well organised to go live on 25 December. However, events took a turn for the worse and as I awoke after a thoroughly turbulent night on the morning of 24 December, I picked up my phone and saw a Facebook message coming through from a friend expressing how sorry she was for the loss of Carolyn Hall Young a few hours before. For a few moments, I thought I was still in the midst of the wretched…
Mobile Art – APPart – Ninth Flickr Group Showcase – TheAppWhisperer
I am delighted to publish our very latest APPart Mobile Art Flickr Group Showcase. Curated and critiqued by our wonderful editor Bobbi McMurry. Over to you Bobbi…(foreword by Joanne Carter). “AppArt is such a unique and special genre within the mobile community and when done well … is something to marvel at. The last few years have seen many improvements in the capabilities of the apps thereby expanding the repertoire of the artists who create this way. It’s my pleasure to present this showcase containing such fine examples of AppArt, thank you all for sharing your explorations! I’ve highlighted a special piece from this showcase created by Lorenka Campos, I…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 14 August 2016
Creative arts and rejection go hand in hand, the latter is almost part of the process. It’s not just within the creative arts that we hanker to be accepted, to suceed, to realise our dreams. We all need each other to thrive, it’s the nature of humanity, human beings need one another. A young child experiencing unconditional love will live, will thrive, will prosper, will flourish, grow and bloom. Love is essential to early development but other than early childhood, rejection is hardly physically life-threatning. But it hurts, rejection in any form hurts, because our feelings are deeply intimate. When we are judged unfairly through untruths, the more upset we…
Mobile Photography – Portrait of an Artist – Twentieth Video Showcase – TheAppWhisperer
Welcome to our twentieth Portrait of an Artist Showcase! This Showcase complements our Portrait of an Artist Column edited by Ile Mont. Every two weeks Mont will review and curate work that has been submitted to our dedicated Flickr group. In addition, we will create a showcase video which features a sampling of submitted work, we will also highlight a few images that have caught our attention… offering some thoughtful commentary about technique, composition and subject matter. If you are not a member of our Facebook group… we highly recommend that you join us! This is our space for sharing newsworthy information and conducting discussions (what, when, where, why and how)…
Mobile Photography – Portrait of an Artist – Nineteenth Video Showcase – TheAppWhisperer
Welcome to our nineteenth Portrait of an Artist Showcase! This Showcase complements our Portrait of an Artist Column edited by Ile Mont. Every two weeks Mont will review and curate work that has been submitted to our dedicated Flickr group. In addition, we will create a showcase video which features a sampling of submitted work, we will also highlight a few images that have caught our attention… offering some thoughtful commentary about technique, composition and subject matter. If you are not a member of our Facebook group… we highly recommend that you join us! This is our space for sharing newsworthy information and conducting discussions (what, when, where, why and how)…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 12 June 2016
Here is a powerful showcase of artists’ work whose passion for mobile photography and art almost rages through their entire being. So determined are they to fulfil their talent, that as you watch and you listen, you feel the euphoria of a performance before a rapturous audience. This immensely gripping body of work, skillfully oscillating between perspectives will leave you astonished. Not only have these artists given mobile photography and art a well-deserved boost, they’re done the rest of us a real service. Enjoy! If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art flickr group, please submit it to our dedicated…