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Mobile Photography StreetWise March 2017 Showcase

“Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.” Dorothea Lange

Hello everyone!

Thank you all for submitting your images to our StreetWise Flickr group during the month of March.  All we can say is “wow!” What incredible images submitted to our group from around the world. It is such an honor to share the showcases with you.

Once again, our difficult challenge was to choose such few images for the showcase from all those that were submitted and we want you to know we appreciate each and every post.

As a reminder, we choose images for the showcase that are in keeping with our group’s intention and guidelines focusing on the key aspects of street photography  composition, timing, juxtaposition, catching the decisive moment  rather than relying too much on apping or images that are more art oriented or painterly.

If you are a mobile street photographer, please consider joining our growing community.

To those new to our street photography community, welcome – it is great to have you join us!

Flickr Group (for weekly showcase submissions)

Facebook Group (for information sharing/discussions) StreetWise – Mobile Street Photography – an Group

A special thank you to Joanne.

We hope you feel inspired by this showcase and our wonderful group. Until next time, happy shooting, everyone!

Ilana and Lee

Many congratulations to the following artists for being featured in this showcase including:  OverherdScene, Albion Harrison Nash, Laurence Bouchard, Connie Gardner Rosenthal, Pier Luigi Dodi, Paula Betlem, Nick Kenrick, Patrick Ryan, Michaela Meerkatz, Valeria Cammereri, Rob Pearson-Wright, Isabel Afonso, Melissa David, Isabelle Wolter, Magda DJM, Myrna, Louise Whiting, Satoshi, Marc Zetterblom, Dina Alfasi, Julia Nathanson, Valentin Dragomir, Vanessa Vox, Luison, Tuba, Tim Bingham, David DeNagel, Alon Goldsmith, Joshua Sarinana, Nicolas Luke.


Image ©OverHerdScene

OverHerdScene’s capture has such a classic and timeless feel, it is also wonderfully composed. It appears to be taken in the morning or perhaps late afternoon with the lovely light coming in from the right of the scene setting the hubcap aglow.

At first we are drawn into the photo by the massive half-dog in the left corner whose plaid jacket is capturing the light and is beautifully framed against the dark car behind it. The windows in the background also nicely balances the dog’s plaid coat compositionally.

There is a fabulous line from the dog’s twisted leash that takes us right to the woman who appears to be leaning against the car with her snow boots (also wonderfully lit) and winter attire, clutching a ‘doggy bag’ – her cold weather attire adds to the atmosphere of this wintery city scene.

Of course, on closer viewing, we see that she is looking right at the photographer and therefore, the viewer of the photo – which adds to it’s unique charm.

Fabulous capture, OverHerdScene!

Untitled ©Albion Harrison-Naish

Albion’s photo is another wonderful timeless capture but with a noir quality – as if we stepped back in time with the background scene’s beautiful vintage typography.  It is very cinematic and appears as though it is straight out of a 1940’s Humphrey Bogart movie. It is also mysterious – is it a vintage poster that the man in the background is a part of, or is he really standing there looking debonair in the shadows? And who is the other man in the background, whose hand we barely can make out, reaching out from the left side shadow?

And to balance the composition perfectly is the silhouette of the man to the right set against the white pillar, adding to the mysterious noir quality. What brings the photo into the 21st century is that it looks as though the silhouetted man is holding what looks to be a mobile phone, although one can’t be sure.

A wonderful juxtaposition of old versus new.

Superb capture, Albion!

Untitled ©Laurence Bouchard

Laurence’s photo immediately wows! In fact, it practically pops right off the screen. And places us right in the middle of a vibrant city scene! We are surrounded by the bright lights of this big city and the magic of all those lights reflected in what seems a perfect mirror image of a large puddle. This reflection is quite marvellous! Comprised of lit up buildings and the solitary man walking across the colourful image with his umbrella. The white of both the real and reflected umbrella really stands out amongst all the colours of the lights and the bright blue sky from above and its reflection below. One really gets a feel of the rainy day, the crowd milling in the distance and the excitement that not even rain can put a damper on.

What a marvellous shot, Lawrence!

‘Sapa Vietnam’ ©Connie Gardner Rosenthal

Connie’s photo of a mother carrying her baby in a bundle on her back is both a beautiful and touching scene. The viewer is witness to an iconic moment in the daily life of mother and child, the mother gripping an umbrella at the same time one of her hands is stretched backwards in a maternal gesture of protection. One’s heart melts at the beauty. Also lovely are the different fabrics, the woman’s sweater, the blanket, the umbrella all have these amazing patterns. Then there’s her flowing black dress and the subtle pop of color of the woman’s hat from which her braids fall lending even more richness to expressionistic feel of this image. The foggy day builds upon those lyrical notes as well, as does the shrouded hilltop across the river. Adding to the poetry is the river itself which seems to flow gently toward the main subject leading our eyes once again back to this beautiful maternal figure in quiet motion.

What a fine, expressive photo, Connie!

StreetWise Showcase

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….we have a small favour to ask. More people than ever are reading and we could not be more excited about that. We bring you ad-free journalism every day, so you don’t have to close windows and be distracted with advertisements. We specialise in mobile photography and mobile art and we value all of our readers, writers, contributors and viewers but we do have costs and we do need to ask for your help. We at TheAppWhisperer spend many hours each day, each week and each month to bring you this high quality level of journalism. We do it because we are passionate about it and because we want others to be as passionate too.

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Ilana Buch-Akoundi is an Interior Designer with a background in fine arts, and a passion for mobile photography. Influenced by classical art and literature, she views mobile photography as not simply capturing moments as they happen, but as a marriage of dreams and visions from inner life and reality. Street photography, as a composite emerging from the speed of life, and what’s resonating within. Born in New York City where she still resides with her husband and two children, Buch-Akoundi recently founded hipstaNYC dedicated to Hipstamatic images of New York City, where people from all over the world can showcase their photographs of NYC. She has had photographs featured in mobile photography websites and web-magazines as well as international shows. Lee Atwell has been passionate about the art, science and magic of photography since the time she was a child – at which time her father had converted a small bathroom into a darkroom. For the past few years, she been captivated by the versatility, convenience, and creative potential of mobile photography. In street photography, she enjoys the challenge of capturing the unexpected and also the necessity of being present moment to moment with the surrounding environment – whether it is the continual shifting of light and shadows or the instantaneous and fleeting expressions and postures of people on the street. She has received several international photography awards and has had photographs featured in publication, mobile photography websites and web-magazines. She has also had photos exhibited in several cities – in the USA, Canada, Italy, France, Hungary, Belgium and Portugal. Atwell also teaches yoga and owns a yoga studio in Seattle with her husband.