A Day In The Life Of Fernando Prats – An Incredibly Talented iPhone Photographer
Welcome to our very exciting new column on theappwhisperer.com. This section entitled ‘A day in the life of …’ and this is where we’ll be taking a look at some hugely influential, interesting and accomplished individuals in the mobile photography world. People that we think you will love to learn more about.
This is our forty ninth installment of the series, you can read the others here if you have missed them so far. Fernando was born in Buenos Aires and has lived in Barcelona for the past ten years. He is the Creative Director of Estudi Prats and the author of countless short stories and poetry books. Fernando’s photographic work has been published in numerous magazines, exhibitions and websites.
Read more about Fernando in our exclusive interview below…
Each image is titled with the apps used to create it in sequential order. You can find all the links the the apps mentioned at the end of this article.
(If you would like to be interviewed for our new ‘A day in the life of …’ section, just send an email to [email protected], and we’ll get it set up).
Fernando Prats
First Things First…
©Fernando Prats – ‘+IVA’ – Booster!, Part, Photoforge2, Snapseed, Blender
JC – Let’s start at the beginning of the day, how does your day start?
FP – I get up at 7 a.m., have breakfast while listening to the radio, take a quick look at the headlines of messages and comments in social networks on an iPad 3, take my children to school and open the studio, all within a distance of 300 m.
Magic Hour…
©Fernando Prats – ‘1000secrets’ – Mattebox, NoiseMaster, Phototoaster, Squaready
JC – Do you like to head out and take photographs early on?
FP – Yes, I do, and I usually do it even compulsively whenever I’m on a trip. In my day-to-day routine I don’t usually get a chance or a time that seduces me particularly, so early, with some hurry and in already assimilated landscapes.
Photographer vs Mobile Photographer
©Fernando Prats – ‘A day in advance poetry’ – Camera+, CropSuey, TouchRetouch, Picfx
JC – How did the transition from traditional photographer to iPhoneographer develop? (pardon the pun).
FP – I don’t consider it a transition but rather a widening of tools and possibilities. I’m not interested in purism in any of its sides, unless it is a personal and intimate game or simply an artistic decision. Even if it’s true that I don’t see any point anymore in photographing with compact cameras (in fact, snapshots as such have been for a long time a prerogative of the iPhone, in my case), there is a variety of circumstances and possible shots that I enjoy in the company of a Nikon and some of my favorite lenses, such as a 11-16 mm, 30 mm,, 50 mm, 85 mm and a 70-200 mm. I think we are in an era of fast changes and, while mobile photography doesn’t incorporate a high quality optical zoom, longer battery life and more manual settings, there are some photographic results that are simply hard to achieve. I enjoy 645Pro, Mattebox, MPro and Booster! because they allow me to customize the result of the shot and not simply filter it with a particular effect. There is still a long way to go. In any case, I’m interested in the concept rather than in a correct photography or in an image which is only the trace of the apps used.
New Apps…
©Fernando Prats – ‘A new days is always possible, I guess’ – 645Pro, Snapseed
JC – Do you like to download new iPhoneography apps regularly?
FP – I must admit I receive and fly over the daily notifications of Appsfire and Appshopper.
©Fernando Prats – ‘A possible area for maps mentioned before’ – Procamera, Blurfx, ScratchCam, PictureShow, Snapseed
JC – How often do you update your existing apps?
FP – Daily.
Location, Location, Location…
©Fernando Prats – ‘Abstract my building’ – Leme Cam, VintageScene, Snapseed
JC – Where’s your favorite place in the world for a shoot?
FP – A city with a character of its own.
Tools Of The Trade…
©Fernando Prats – ‘Almost always’ – MPro, ScratchCam
JC – Do you also use iPhone photography tool apps, such as The Photographer’s Ephemeris and if so do you use it to plan your shoots?
FP – No, I use a plain iPhone 4S, with over 500 apps and a plain new iPad. I plan shots thinking on composition and what I want to show about something.
©Fernando Prats – ‘Although she also used to wear a 15 year olds Miles Davies t-shirt’ – Camera+, Lego Photo, Interlacer, PhotoFX by Tiffen
JC – Where do you like to upload your photographs? Flickr, Instagram?
FP – I upload them to Flickr, Instagram, iPhoneArts, Tumblr and my website. And share these links on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Pinterest. Besides this, once in a while I update other galleries at 500px, Saatchi, litmind, etc.
Favorite Apps…
©Fernando Prats – ‘Boson’ – 645Pro, PerfectlyClear, Phototoaster, iColorama S, SnapseedThe cup – 645Pro, PerfectlyClear, Phototoaster, iColorama S, Snapseed
JC – What are your favorite, at the moment, iPhoneography apps?
FP – For shooting: 645Pro, MPro, Booster!, Mattebox and SlowShutter. For editing Snapseed, PhotoForge 2, PhotoToaster, iColorama S. Utilities: PerfectlyClear, PhotoSize, Squaready. FX: Pixlromatic+, ScratchCam, Picfx. DOF: Big Lens. Layers: Superimpose, Blender. Retro: Lo-Mob, Instant110. Experimental: pxl, Satromizer, Decim8, Piece, Part. Other: CameraTan, FluidFX, PicFrame, Hipstamatic, Photo fx by Tiffen, etc. I also usually employ some other apps for video and music.
©Fernando Prats – ‘Candidates for another babble speech’ – Hipstamatic, Iris Photo Suite, Normalize, FX PhotoStudio
JC – Do you take photographs with your iPhone everyday?
FP – I’d say so. There’s hardly a day when I don’t take any.
Favorite Subjects…
©Fernando Prats – ‘Difficulties when it’s time to choose’ – Camera+, TwistCam, Snapseed
JC – What are your favorite subjects?
FP – What I’m not interested in at all is unary photography. One as professional and codified as naïve and indolent, postcard or report-like in any of its forms, emphasizing the real without splitting it or making it hesitate. What Barthes called the stadium. My interest is the production of concepts daring to pierce the fat and trigger possible readings. Proposing diverse, not univocal associations around an idea, which I try to complete with the choice of a title, tags, descriptions and links. In practice, in order to do so I look for possible shapes, figures, situations and geometries, any object-subject is good.
Top Five Tips…
©Fernando Prats – ‘Exchanging claps’ – Camera+, Phototoaster, Iris Photo Suite
JC – What are your top five tips for iPhone photography?
FP – Studying, experimenting, deciding what is intended to communicate, not settling for the effects of effects per se nor the froth of empty praise, and publishing.
©Fernando Prats – ‘Flowers of a digital era’ – CameraAwesome!, TinyWorld, Picfx, Snapseed
JC – Do you edit images on your iPhone or do you prefer to do that on a desktop/laptop?
FP – Most of the images taken with my iPhone I edit them on the iPhone itself and then check on the iPad, while I usually edit photos taken with other cameras on an iMac 27’’. However, and picking up my hybrid ethics and a certain rebel spirit, every now and then I edit any image in any device.
©Fernando Prats – ‘FMI’ – Hipstamatic, Picfx, Phototoaster
JC – Do you enjoy videography with your iPhone?
FP – Yes, and I’m very interested in it. I use FilmicPro, CinePro and I sometimes play with 8mm, Movie360 or Silent Film Director and AvidStudio on the iPad. I consider that the big limitation in this aspect, nowadays, is storage space, and thus I edit most of the videos with Final Cut Pro X.
The Future Of Mobile Photography…
©Fernando Prats – ‘Gestures around localization’ – Procamera, Blurfx, ScratchCam, PictureShow, Snapseed
JC – Where do you see the future of iPhone photography?
FP – I think we are witnessing a moment of change and discussion of old paradigms which comes cyclically. Shortly, approaches, value differentiations and disquisitions between photography and mobile photography will have ceased existing, giving way to new old dilemmas.
©Fernando Prats – ‘Harpo was right’ – Mattebox, pxl, Snapseed
JC – What do you think is the most popular area of iPhone photography?
FP – I guess street photography, because of the discretion, size and ubiquity of the device, and “casual” photography, omnipresent in Instagram. But I don’t think the area of interest depends on the means or adjusts to a thematic axis. Certainly, the popularization of mobile photography is based on a certain simplicity in its use –achieving results popularly legitimated as “cool” is just two clicks away- and in sharing those images. And this is not an exclusive prerogative of those devoted to photography.
Where In The World…?
©Fernando Prats – ‘Images as metonymy, expansive force’ – 645Pro, iColorama, Photogene2, Snapseed
JC – Do you think it’s country specific, are some nations more clued up?
FP – I don’t consider it is country-specific, not in the slightest; it’s just that the unequal socio-economic landscape transforms market prizes into everyday gadget or object of desire, depending of the area the finger points at in the map.
iPhone 5…
©Fernando Prats – ‘Imaginary drawings: Leila’ – SlowShutter, Iris Photo Suite, InstantSketch, Picfx
JC – What do you hope for in the iPhone 5?
FP – I’m hoping for a 10 Mbpx camera, a little lighter, with a larger screen within the same body, with a longer-lasting battery, and renewed features through iOS6. What I also would like is a substantial increase in storage space, the incorporation of optical zoom, and the increase in sensor size along with resolution increase.
©Fernando Prats – ‘Imaginary people: Alessandro – SlowShutter, Iris Photo Suite, Grungestastic, Snapseed
JC – What do you think of Joanne and theappwhisperer.com?
FP – I think it is a clearly expanding website, in which Joanne’s dedication shows and is noticed, fortunately.
Links To All Apps Used And Mentioned In This Article…
©Fernando Prats – ‘Imaginary people – Eulalia’s boys’ – SlowShutter, Iris Photo Suite, ScratchCam, Snapseed
Big Lens
Blur fx
Image Blender
Instant 110
Iris Photo Suite
Lego Photo
Noise Master
Vintage Scene
Contact Details For Fernando…
©Fernando Prats – ‘Imaginary people – Rachel, and the crowd’ – SlowShutter, Iris Photo Suite, ScratchCam, PaintFX, Snapseed
Website: http://fernandoprats.com
Flickr: http://flickr.com/photos/fernandoprats
Instagram & Twitter: @fernandoprats
CV: http://fernandoprats.com/es/impressum/
TheAppWhisperer has always had a dual mission: to promote the most talented mobile artists of the day and to support ambitious, inquisitive viewers the world over.
As the years pass TheAppWhisperer has gained readers and viewers and found new venues for that exchange. All this work thrives with the support of our community.
Please consider making a donation to TheAppWhisperer as this New Year commences because your support helps protect our independence and it means we can keep delivering the promotion of mobile artists that’s open for everyone around the world.
Every contribution, however big or small, is so valuable for our future.
Robert Lancaster
What an amazing interview with an equally amazing artist. His work and words are inspiring. The images he has shared with us are brilliant and thought provoking.
Thank you for this interview Joanne!
theappwhisperer has delivered again.
I’ve spent a lot of time, looking/reading over and over again. Love the varied & creative art produced also the informative interview. Eye opener for me, gives me lots to think about.
Thanks a lot for your interest and comments. And thanks Joanne for the interview.
Fantastic interview !
With the spanish version:
Amazing art, very inspiring and very very nice interview..un saludo! )))
Wonderful work Fernando I’m a big fan!