A Day In The Life Of Ernesto Diaz – Classically Trained Photographer, Successful iPhoneographer
Welcome to our brand new section on theappwhisperer.com, this section is entitled ‘A day in the life of …’ and we’ll be taking a look some hugely influential and interesting people in the mobile app world that we think you would like to learn about.
Kicking us off today is Ernesto Diaz, he came to our attention a while back as we have been so impressed with his iPhoneography, or if you read below, perhaps we should call it ‘mobile photography’. Ernesto believes that the world needs to rid itself of the word ‘iPhoneography’ as ‘it’s market sensitive and carries several prejudices’. You may agree or disagree but whichever side of the fence you’re on, you will find this interview quite enthralling.
Ernesto studied architecture and art throughout High School and switched to photography when an assignment entitled ‘shooting your favorite buildings’ came up. He then went on to study photography at Columbia College in Chicago for the following six years. Following college he shot theatre and catalogue work in Chicago both as a freelancer and for a couple of production companies. He soon discovered that the pressures and constraints of commercial work were inhibiting him artistically speaking. He soon quit and dedicated himself to his own artwork.
For a living Ernesto has set up digital workflows for sheet and web printers, helping expand their capabilities as well as introducing them to new opportunities in the printing market. Being classically trained, Ernesto found this career adaption easy.
Ernesto is now working on a new project to better serve this new ‘mobile’ genre and he hopes to have his project completed before the summer.
In between of course, he takes great mobile images. He shoots using the Pro Camera, 6×7, 6×6, ShakeitPhoto, and PinHole HD app’s exclusively. When processing he uses both Mac versions of iPhone apps as well apps in his iPhone. The Mac versions of apps that he owns include: Plastic Bullet, Ripped from Reality, FX PhotoStudio Pro, Dramatic B&W, and SnapHeal.
Check out the full interview below…
(If you would like to be interviewed for our new ‘A day in the life of …’ section, just send us an email and we’ll get it set up).
First things first…
Copyright Image Ernesto Daiz, taken on Apple iPhone 4, image processed with FX Photo Studio
Let’s start at the beginning of the day, how does your day start Ernesto?
I set up Digital Printing Workflows for sheet and web printers. From buying machinery to training new employees I do it all. Depending on what the particular printer is looking for, projects can last 6 months, some 3 years.
Time of day…
Do you like to head out and take photographs early on?
Yes I am a morning person when it comes to shooting. Small weekend road trips are my favorite for landscape and architecture. Though my fav is studio.
Photographer vs iPhoneographer…
How did the transition from traditional photographer to iPhoneographer develop? (pardon the pun)
Believe it or not, when I bought my first iPhone (3) that was my first digital camera. I stayed away from digital since inception. I have always felt a disconnect from shot to edit to final. With the iPhone….It offers a darkroom in your pocket.
New Apps…
Do you like to download new iPhoneography apps regularly?
Not really, no. I have a few favs and until someone does something “special” I’ll stick to mine.
Copyright image Ernesto Daiz, Shot on iPhone 3, processed in Lo-Mob and FX PhotoStudio
How often do you update your existing apps?
Whenever updates are available.
Copyright image, Ernesto Daiz. This image was not shot by Ernesto, but by a friend Sugey Garcia. It was however processed by Ernesto at her request. Apps used: FX PhotoStudio, Scratch Cam and Filter Storm.
Where’s your favorite place in the world for a shoot?
…a Studio!!!
Copyright Image, Ernesto Daiz, iPhone 3 Shot processed in FX PhotoStudio.
Do you also use iPhoneography tool apps, such as The Photographers Ephemeris?
No, not at all, I sketch ideas I want to communicate when planning a shoot.
Favorite Apps…
What are your favorite, at the moment, iPhoneography apps?
Scratch Cam, FX PhotoStudio, Magic Hour, Lumiére
Sharing Images…
Copyright Image, Ernesto Daiz. This is an iPhone 4 shot processed in FX PhotoStudio, Magic Hr. and Filterstorm.
Where do you like to upload your photographs? Flickr, Instagram?
I never liked Flickr, and I don’t use Instagram. Funny you should ask, Im actually working on an alternative to Flickr, at the moment.
Do you take photographs with your iPhone everyday?
More like once a week.
Favorite Subjects…
Copyright Image, Ernesto Daiz. This was a studio shoot with both a Mamiya Twin Lens and iPhone 4. It was such a long shoot that Ernesto is not entirely sure what is what anymore. This image was processed in both FX PhotoStudio and Lo-Mob.
What are your favorite subjects?
People, and architecture.
Top Tips For Mobile Photography…
What are you top five tips for iPhoneography?
The iPhone is simply nothing much more then a tool. What makes it special are the apps that are available for editing. They provide you with many tools within one. So I say, know your tools, know your tools, know your tools….
Copyright Image, Ernesto Daiz iPhone 4 Shot, processed in Filter Storm and FX PhotoStudio
Do you edit images on your iPhone or do you prefer to do that on a desktop/laptop?
Depends on many things, mainly the shoot.
Do you enjoy videography with your iPhone?
Haven’t tried it yet.
Future of iPhoneography…
Where do you see the future of iPhoneography?
I truly feel that if it is to have a future it must start with getting rid of that “iPhoneography” label. Its market sensitive and carries several prejudices. I prefer “Mobile” photography, its general enough to build upon a new Genre. I.e.…Large Format, Medium Format, Small Format, Panoramic, Digital, and Mobile.
Popular Mobile Photography
Copyright Image, Ernesto Daiz
What do you think is the most popular area of iPhoneography?
Concept photography, the building of an image by using several apps and images together.
Where is mobile photography most popular?
Do you think it’s country specific, are some nations more clued up?
Yes, I feel that European countries’ are taking it to another level.
iPhone 5 Hopes?
What do you hope for in the iPhone 5?
Higher resolution camera, that’s it.
What do you think of Joanne and theappwhisperer.com?
I find it incredibly informative and entertaining to read. I think its the only one out there created with passion for what it represents. Not just a blog on what’s popular. Keep up the great work.
Tammy Woods
Beautiful shots Ernie! You added several new ones! Love it, thank for the info too! Tammy
Why not simply call it “phoneography” – drop the “i”.
(Although maybe it should be “apptography”. The phone camera’s just a digital camera – it’s the apps that make the difference.)