Exclusive Interview With App Developer, Eric Cravic Of 50 Friends iPad App
50 Friends is a new app for young children from 4 years of age. It’s incredibly visual and interactive with a serious learning note but with an emphasis on fun, the best way to learn.
We wanted to find out more about the development of this app and interviewed the Developer, Eric Cravic to find out. Read our exclusive interview below.
The Beginning
JC – Please explain how your app was originally though of and what were your thoughts behind the marketplace, specifically?
EC – We decided to create very simple and comprehensive app, that will help children to learn names of animals. Nothing more.
The Design
JC – Explain the design, how you came up with the colors and themes.
EC – Wood and colored plastic. We wanted it to look it like funny and warm thing that you want to touch and have fun.
Target Market
JC – Who do you see as the main target market for this app in terms of age, genre and expenditure?
EC –
- English speaking children 3 6 years old
- All other people of all nationalities who want to study animals’ names
JC – How long did it take from the original planning to the production process of this app?
EC – One month
JC – How do you predict sales to be, is there a good solid market for this style of app?
EC – We do not predict anything.
JC – What has been the hardest obstacle you have had to overcome regarding this app development?
EC – Not much experience in developing apps. It’s our first one.
Third Parties
JC – Would you consider developing apps for third parties?
EC -Yes, we are planning to do it.
App Store
JC – What have you learnt from the App Store?
EC – Not much yet, we are too young players in this market.
JC – Have Apple supported you well with your App development?
EC – We did not have troubles with support.
The Future
JC – What next, are you developing another app, would you go for the same genre again, if not which?
EC – We are developing a game for larger audience. I cannot say anything about it because my business partners do not want me to tell all our secrets.
JC – Have you considered developing apps on other platforms such as Android? If so, what has the experience been like?
EC – At present we do not plan to develop for Android, maybe later.
Our Support/Advice
JC – What do you think about TheAppWhisperer.com? Have we helped you? Would you recommend us? Have we been supportive?
EC – Of course we will recommend you! We like your site!