A Day In The Life Of ...,  Interviews,  INTERVIEWS,  News

A Day in The Life of Gizem Karayavuz – Interview – A Very Talented Photographer/Artist Offering A Deep Psychological Aspect To Her Art

Welcome to our very exciting column on theappwhisperer.com. This section entitled “A Day in the Life of…” is where we take a look at some hugely influential, interesting and accomplished individuals in the mobile photography world… people that we think you will love to learn more about.

This is our eighty first installment of the series. If you have missed our previous interviews, please go here. Today we are featuring Gizem Karayavuz. Gizem lives in Istanbul, Turkey where she worked as a financial adviser for three years whilst she studied fine arts part time. She then applied to Turkey-Istanbul Marmara University Fine Arts Faculty, Painting and graduated in 2012. During her education, Gizem worked with Academy Professor and successful painter Tayfun Erdogmus as his assistant for 2.5 years. Gizem was also a Visual Editor at Novel of Heroes – a Turkish lecture magazine, where she drew all of the images and she also draws for several books. Currently Gizem is preparing her iPhone images for exhibiting soon. Her interests outside of photography include music, swimming, reading and paintings.

You can find all the links to the apps used or mentioned at the end of this article.

(If you would like to be interviewed for our new ‘A Day in the Life of…’ section, just send an email to [email protected], and we’ll get it set up.)

Gizem Karayavuz


© Gizem Karayavuz – “Self-Portrait” – Apps Used: iPhoto, XnView Photo FX, Pixlr-o-matic, PicsArt, Pix: Pixel Mixer, Etchings, Express FM (not available in US), MixBooth, PicFx







Pinterest:gizem karayavuz

İnstagram:gizem karayavuz


First Things First…


© Gizem Karayavuz – “Untitled” – Apps Used: iPhoto, XnView Photo FX, Pixlr-o-matic, PicsArt, Pix: Pixel Mixer, Etchings, Express FM (not available in US), MixBooth, PicFx


Joanne – Let’s start at the beginning of the day, how does your day start?

Gizem – Since it is much quieter and more tranquil at night, I prefer to edit my photos during that time of day… So I tend to wake up a bit late. My day may start at very late hours. I never forget to share my work on my pages before I go to bed every night. I usually start my day by answering the comments on my pages during breakfast.


Golden Hour…


© Gizem Karayavuz – “Untitled” – Apps Used: iPhoto, XnView Photo FX, Pixlr-o-matic, PicsArt, Pix: Pixel Mixer, Etchings, Express FM (not available in US), MixBooth, PicFx


Joanne – Do you like to head out and take photographs early on?

Gizem – Like I mentioned earlier, since I tend to start the day very late, the time of day where I collect materials for my work happens to be then, too.


Photographer vs. Mobile Photographer


© Gizem Karayavuz – “Untitled” – Apps Used: iPhoto, XnView Photo FX, Pixlr-o-matic, PicsArt, Pix: Pixel Mixer, Etchings, Express FM (not available in US), MixBooth, PicFx


Joanne – How did the transition from traditional photographer to iPhoneographer develop? (pardon the pun)

Gizem – I have been doing etching for years! I began to take photographs when I discovered photo-etching techniques. I need lots of different type of faces and began to take photography with a good machine. And one day all of my phones broke down in the same week!:) I had to buy a new mobile phone and i smile while writing these sentences now:) my life has change with a new phone! I discovered lots of artistic materials to edit pictures! And its make me fun and wonder what I can do with them! And now i am here!


New Apps…


© Gizem Karayavuz – “Untitled” – Apps Used: iPhoto, XnView Photo FX, Pixlr-o-matic, PicsArt, Pix: Pixel Mixer, Etchings, Express FM (not available in US), MixBooth, PicFx


Joanne – Do you like to download new iPhoneography apps regularly?

Gizem – There are a few applications I cannot do without. I do not go for other apps. However, if I have used all my favorite apps on a photo and I am not still satisfied, I will go searching for new ones.




© Gizem Karayavuz – “Untitled” – Apps Used: iPhoto, XnView Photo FX, Pixlr-o-matic, PicsArt, Pix: Pixel Mixer, Etchings, Express FM (not available in US), MixBooth, PicFx


Joanne – How often do you update your existing apps?


Gizem – Whenever I am notified.

Location, Location, Location…


© Gizem Karayavuz – “Untitled” – Apps Used: iPhoto, XnView Photo FX, Pixlr-o-matic, PicsArt, Pix: Pixel Mixer, Etchings, Express FM (not available in US), MixBooth, PicFx


Joanne – Where’s your favorite place in the world for a shoot?

Gizem – I do not have a place of choice for my photo shoots as I am currently working on portraits. More than the atmosphere that I am in, the faces that I see and the feelings they convey are my favorite place!


Tools Of The Trade…


© Gizem Karayavuz -“Untitled” – Apps Used: iPhoto, XnView Photo FX, Pixlr-o-matic, PicsArt, Pix: Pixel Mixer, Etchings, Express FM (not available in US), MixBooth, PicFx


Joanne – Do you also use iPhoneography tool apps, such as The Photographer’s Ephemeris?

Gizem – No actually, I have lots of things to discover to use.


Favorite Apps…


© Gizem Karayavuz – “Untitled” – Apps Used: iPhoto, XnView Photo FX, Pixlr-o-matic, PicsArt, Pix: Pixel Mixer, Etchings, Express FM (not available in US), MixBooth, PicFx


Joanne – What are your favorite, at the moment, iPhoneography apps?

Gizem –


* XnVieW Fx












© Gizem Karayavuz -“Untitled” – Apps Used: iPhoto, XnView Photo FX, Pixlr-o-matic, PicsArt, Pix: Pixel Mixer, Etchings, Express FM (not available in US), MixBooth, PicFx


Joanne – Where do you like to upload your photographs? Flickr, Instagram?

Gizem – The first place on which I shared my mobile edits was Picsart. Due to the support and interest of my friends who are there only for art, I also opened up pages on Facebook, Flickr and Pinterest. I do own an Instagram page too; however, I do not usually remember to share my work there since I do not think that site is solely art oriented!




© Gizem Karayavuz -“Untitled” – Apps Used: iPhoto, XnView Photo FX, Pixlr-o-matic, PicsArt, Pix: Pixel Mixer, Etchings, Express FM (not available in US), MixBooth, PicFx


Joanne – Do you take photographs with your iPhone everyday?

Gizem – I produce a new picture everyday. There is always a photograph edited and pinned to that wall in my mind! I can also form new faces from the photos in my hand with the help of mixbooth. So the answer comes down to this: A new picture everyday and whenever I get the feeling!


Favorite Subjects…


© Gizem Karayavuz – “Untitled” – Apps Used: iPhoto, XnView Photo FX, Pixlr-o-matic, PicsArt, Pix: Pixel Mixer, Etchings, Express FM (not available in US), MixBooth, PicFx


Joanne – What are your favorite subjects?

Gizem – Before I became interested in photography, my favorite topics that I exercised in my drawings and engravings were memory and memory loss. These two being my major areas of interest, I tried to employ in my portraits all my observations and research on neuropsychology. My intention has always been to reproduce that feeling of uneasiness in my viewers regardless of if they have ever experienced these psychoses or heard about them.




© Gizem Karayavuz – “Untitled” – Apps Used: iPhoto, XnView Photo FX, Pixlr-o-matic, PicsArt, Pix: Pixel Mixer, Etchings, Express FM (not available in US), MixBooth, PicFx


Joanne – How did the teaching side come along?

Gizem – Just one thing! Instinct! I follow my favorite movies or books or a story. And wonder and investigate and create new things…


Top Five Tips…


© Gizem Karayavuz – “Untitled” – Apps Used: iPhoto, XnView Photo FX, Pixlr-o-matic, PicsArt, Pix: Pixel Mixer, Etchings, Express FM (not available in US), MixBooth, PicFx


Joanne – What are you top five tips for iPhoneography?

Gizem – To be frank, I always trust my feelings and instincts. The knowledge that I have gathered and my feelings go hand in hand. Anyone who takes a photograph has a certain frame in their mind which is special only for them. Whatever it is that they would like us to see on there, an editing process that focuses on that detail is what they should aim for.




© Gizem Karayavuz – “Untitled” – Apps Used: iPhoto, XnView Photo FX, Pixlr-o-matic, PicsArt, Pix: Pixel Mixer, Etchings, Express FM (not available in US), MixBooth, PicFx


Joanne – Do you edit images on your iPhone or do you prefer to do that on a desktop/laptop?

Gizem – I use my iPad when I want to work with greater detail. Other than that, I cannot say that I pick up the camera or the laptop for my work.




© Gizem Karayavuz – “Untitled” – Apps Used: iPhoto, XnView Photo FX, Pixlr-o-matic, PicsArt, Pix: Pixel Mixer, Etchings, Express FM (not available in US), MixBooth, PicFx


Joanne – Do you enjoy videography with your iPhone?

Gizem – I do not shoot videos. I cannot say that I have had enough of photography and editing to move on there. However, I am certain that I will experience the same feelings, if not more, when I do.


The Future of Mobile Photography…


© Gizem Karayavuz – “Untitled” – Apps Used: iPhoto, XnView Photo FX, Pixlr-o-matic, PicsArt, Pix: Pixel Mixer, Etchings, Express FM (not available in US), MixBooth, PicFx


Joanne – Where do you see the future of iPhoneography?

Gizem – I am convinced it will be much more popular.. To be able to make art with a device that you carry in your pocket and use to give someone a ring!.. This reminds me of Warhol who had shown us that an ordinary can of soup on a dinner table can be an object of meaning, even a work of artistic merit in a museum. Art can lift life from that sea of vulgarity and turn it into something that can make you happy!

A cell phone gives you the opportunity to immortalize a scene… And with its countless applications, that same device also gives you the opportunity to alter the image of that scene according to your feelings.

You get to embellish your world. And with only one press of a button, you can also help others embellish theirs by sharing. I believe that art should exist for everyone. It should be able to leave your pocket and reach their hearts. Fast, practical and full of surprises… Reachable and sharable… To be able to announce that feeling inside you to the whole world… Just like I am doing now.




© Gizem Karayavuz – “Untitled” – Apps Used: iPhoto, XnView Photo FX, Pixlr-o-matic, PicsArt, Pix: Pixel Mixer, Etchings, Express FM (not available in US), MixBooth, PicFx


Joanne – What do you think is the most popular area of iPhoneography?

Gizem – I can confidently say it is not very popular in Turkey. I cannot say in which country it is popular, either.


Where In The World?


© Gizem Karayavuz – “Untitled” – Apps Used: iPhoto, XnView Photo FX, Pixlr-o-matic, PicsArt, Pix: Pixel Mixer, Etchings, Express FM (not available in US), MixBooth, PicFx


Joanne – Do you think it’s country specific, are some nations more clued up?

Gizem – I think it depends on can buy technological materials…i am not sure that i know it…


iPhone 5…


© Gizem Karayavuz – “Untitled” – Apps Used: iPhoto, XnView Photo FX, Pixlr-o-matic, PicsArt, Pix: Pixel Mixer, Etchings, Express FM (not available in US), MixBooth, PicFx


Joanne – What are your first impressions of the iPhone 5?

Gizem – I did not have a chance to see it yet but I am sure it will be way over anyone’s expectations.


The App Whisperer…


© Gizem Karayavuz – “Untitled” – Apps Used: iPhoto, XnView Photo FX, Pixlr-o-matic, PicsArt, Pix: Pixel Mixer, Etchings, Express FM (not available in US), MixBooth, PicFx


Joanne – What do you think of Joanne and theappwhisperer.com?

Gizem – Theappwhisperer and dear Joanne! I began my current work after several coincidences and a huge milestone in my life… These two give further meaning to this work and the apps that I utilize! The feelings that I attempt to convey on that small screen will reach the hearts and minds of new viewers, if not only for a few seconds. This is a brand new channel full of new perceptions. I whole-heartedly thank Joanne and Theappwhisperer for making it more meaningful for me!


Links To All Apps Used Or Mentioned In This Interview


© Gizem Karayavuz – “Untitled” – Apps Used: iPhoto, XnView Photo FX, Pixlr-o-matic, PicsArt, Pix: Pixel Mixer, Etchings, Express FM (not available in US), MixBooth, PicFx



XnView Photo FX



Pix: Pixel Mixer




TheAppWhisperer has always had a dual mission: to promote the most talented mobile artists of the day and to support ambitious, inquisitive viewers the world over.

As the years pass TheAppWhisperer has gained readers and viewers and found new venues for that exchange. All this work thrives with the support of our community.

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Joanne Carter, creator of the world’s most popular mobile photography and art website— TheAppWhisperer.com— TheAppWhisperer platform has been a pivotal cyberspace for mobile artists of all abilities to learn about, to explore, to celebrate and to share mobile artworks. Joanne’s compassion, inclusivity, and humility are hallmarks in all that she does, and is particularly evident in the platform she has built. In her words, “We all have the potential to remove ourselves from the centre of any circle and to expand a sphere of compassion outward; to include everyone interested in mobile art, ensuring every artist is within reach”, she has said. Promotion of mobile artists and the art form as a primary medium in today’s art world, has become her life’s focus. She has presented lectures bolstering mobile artists and their art from as far away as the Museum of Art in Seoul, South Korea to closer to her home in the UK at Focus on Imaging. Her experience as a jurist for mobile art competitions includes: Portugal, Canada, US, S Korea, UK and Italy. And her travels pioneering the breadth of mobile art includes key events in: Frankfurt, Naples, Amalfi Coast, Paris, Brazil, London. Pioneering the world’s first mobile art online gallery - TheAppWhispererPrintSales.com has extended her reach even further, shipping from London, UK to clients in the US, Europe and The Far East to a global group of collectors looking for exclusive art to hang in their homes and offices. The online gallery specialises in prints for discerning collectors of unique, previously unseen signed limited edition art. Her journey towards becoming The App Whisperer, includes (but is not limited to) working for a paparazzi photo agency for several years and as a deputy editor for a photo print magazine. Her own freelance photographic journalistic work is also widely acclaimed. She has been published extensively both within the UK and the US in national and international titles. These include The Times, The Sunday Times, The Guardian, Popular Photography & Imaging, dpreview, NikonPro, Which? and more recently with the BBC as a Contributor, Columnist at Vogue Italia and Contributing Editor at LensCulture. Her professional photography has also been widely exhibited throughout Europe, including Italy, Portugal and the UK. She is currently writing several books, all related to mobile art and is always open to requests for new commissions for either writing or photography projects or a combination of both. Please contact her at: [email protected]