Mobile Movies Showcase – Week 11 – By Donna Donato
Welcome back to the eleventh article in our fabulous new Column, Mobile Movies. We at TheAppWhisperer have been inspired by the Flickr upgrade of 1 Terabyte of storage for everyone and have been wanting to launch a mobile movie section for some time. Now seems to be perfect, the new Flickr upgrade will allow for a full 3 minutes of 1080p HD quality video per single film and you can have as many as you have storage space for. Each week I (you can find me on Flickr here) will curate the movie uploads to our new Flickr group –MobileMoviesTheAppWhisperer – I will view all the videos uploaded and comment on the chosen ones.
”The internet has created other crossroads for films and videos. Mobile devices have democratized not only photography but also video-making. The availability of apps that give digital video the appearance of analogy film, such as grainy black and white super-8, is exciting and important. Now anyone with the desire can make a home movie or ‘film’ and upload it to the web. It is interesting to see what stories and messages people are creating and disseminating.’
All of the entries were either shot or created on mobile devices.
Here is TheAppWhisperer’s video showcase for September 14, 2013. We would like to thank this week’s contributors: Fernandoprats_fernando prats, Poetic Medium, SLP, and olivierbxl_Olivier for their submissions.
Take a look at these latest gems; you’ll be glad you did. Please share our Column with your family and friends, encouraging them to create and submit their mobile videos. We are seeking all platforms, Windows, Android, iOS… Joanne Carter and I will also be scouring the web in search of mobiles movies to present to our readers.
Donna Donato
’ViaCatalana’ – Fernandoprats_fernando prats
We are offered a fast paced, time-lapse video taken along the Via Catalana in Barcelona set to processional music. For me this piece provided a quick glimpse of Catalan pride. Having visited Barcelona I certainly understand the sentiment.
‘st.__RIDE’ – Poetic Medium
Moving, moving, going nowhere. Loved the image and music’s juxtaposition and contradiction.
‘sober tales of Grace’ – SLP
SLP offers an ethereal and pensive photo montage set to the music of one of my favorite groups, Antony & The Johnsons. I was touched both by the images and the lyrics. “I’m scared of the middle place between life and nowhere.” Indeed, it is a sobering tale.
‘Waterdrops, flowers and landscape’ – olivierbxl_Olivier
The title pretty much says it all but doesn’t mentioned the lovely ambient sounds. I have come to think of Olivierbxl’s work as meditations on nature. If you watch quietly, turning off your brain chatter, you are transported to another place and provided with a moment of calm.
‘Heavy snow in Belgium’ – olivierbxl_Olivier
Olivierbxl provides another video on nature, this time snow. My first thought, “No, not snow! Not yet!” Some of the images brought a smile; close-ups of melting icicles and a black cat on the prowl. Coincidentally after watching this last night it was really cold in Paris!
fernando prats
Happy to see ViaCatalana (croquetes) featured, Donna & Joanne. Thanks.
Congrats to Poetic Medium, SLP and Olivier!
Stef LP
Thank you Donna and Joanne for this feature, especially since its a bit rough on the edges. I appreciate the support while working it out,
Also enjoyed seeing the other films here, as diversified as we humans are,
donna donato
fernando and Stef LP thank you both for posting…
Meri Walker
Full of wonder watching SLP’s image stream and hearing Antony and the Johnsons’ heart-wrenching song. What rich gifts, separately and together!! Thank you for sharing this new short film!
Donna Donato
i wholeheartedly agree Meri!!