Saturday Poetry – Physical
I love poetry, I love words, pictures, music, people and the combination of these is the utmost thrill to me.
I am introducing a new section, simply titled, Saturday Poetry. Each Saturday I will publish a poem from a new and wonderful book, with a link if you wish to purchase the entire thing. Just a little something extra to enjoy the weekend.
To view the others we have published in this section, go here.
Source: Andrew McMillan Poet
This weekend I am publishing a poem entitled ‘Finally’ by Andrew McMillan from his book, Physical. To place an order, go here.
a day will come when
woken by the xylophone
of sunthroughblinds
you’ll realise
that the beach was not the place
where horses tore the sand
to ribbon
that the scent of him has lifted
from the last of the sheets
that he isn’t coming back
that it hasn’t rained
but the birds are pretending that it has
so they can sing