MoJo Conference,  News

MoJo Conference – Exclusive Interview with Keith Kennedy from Hahnel representing Pictar for iPhone

RTÉ Mojocon is a leading international media conference focusing on mobile journalism, mobile content creation, mobile photography and new technology all in one event and it took place in Galway, Ireland last week.

Our roving reporter Tim Bingham was at the conference last week and covered it for us. Take a look at this exclusive interview with Keith Kennedy from Hahnel representing Pictar for iPhone. Pictar is a powerful iPhone camera-grip that connects easily to most iPhone and iPhone plus models and gives users unprecedented control over the iPhone’s camera through a user friendly app. Pictar is controlled by no fewer than five external buttons, and includes a patented, revolutionary interface which uses sound frequencies to activate the camera, which saves battery power compared to the standard Bluetooth connection.

To view the other videos in this series, go here.

Pictar for iPhone Video Interview

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I am an independent trainer and researcher. I have had over 20 years experience working in the drug and alcohol sector. I have had many years experience working in the area of Harm Reduction working with active drug users. I have had a number of research studies published. I have a specialist interest in the online drugs market and emerging drug trends . I have a particular interest in qualitative research incorporating this with visual and video ethnography. I enjoy Photography in my spare time particularly street photography capturing those moments of expression and that decisive moment.