Mobile Photography & Art Instagram Showcase – 26 July 2020
When we push ourselves, really push ourselves, when we dare to do something we wouldn’t ordinarily do, when we take risks, measured risks but risks nonetheless, it is then that we feel an overarching sense of accomplishment. Savouring each day as our last, that’s when we feel most alive. I walked under a tree yesterday and I heard a little voice call from above, ‘hello‘, I looked up, there was a tiny girl, high above me in the tree, her face so full of glee, so proud to have reached its heights. Her natural shyness had all but disappeared, she wanted me to know what she had accomplished. The summer light glinted off the luminous green leaves, her long blond hair lay tangled and strewn down her small back, her tiny plimsollsed feet, flattened and pushed against each side of the tree trunk, her arms spreadeagled across its branches and the chorus of her laughter, light and laughter emitted from this tree of life. Such moments should be logged and noted. The pleasures of my life are simple – simple, inexpensive and democratic. A fresh cappuccino each morning in bed, served with a side of Lindt chocolate, a mountain of fresh ripe tomatoes, a glass of Rosé at a riverside café, a good book, the cool shuttered silence of my bedroom and as I drift into sleep the prospect that all this will be available, unchanged, tomorrow.
Life is remarkable and for most, the key factor to our mutual pleasure is the gratification in the company that we keep and not forsaking our community. Our success makes for an enduring union.
I want to personally thank all of the featured talented artists for submitting your works to our showcase this week. Together, we exchange our vision, our fears, our hopes and our dreams, we become one.
If you would like your work to be considered for entry in to our weekly Mobile Photography and Art Flickr Group, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. You can also submit images to our Instagram tag for this section #mobilephotographyandimagery.
Music this week ‘A Dream for Tomorrow’ by Shaun Paul
Jenny Pieters, Mehmet Duyulmus, mitrydate, @clau_clara, @damlaoksuzphotography, Jennifer Graham, @pim_van_huisseling, @emjai_ MaryJane Rosenfeld, @npatienza_art, artography_badhomburg, Marco Prado, Maureen Ruddy Burkhart Denver, Diane Neubauer, @av_photojourneys, @justingotsvisions, @poppybay – Heather, @marshadraws – Marsha Estes, 2be23mo, Catherine Caddigan, @wmson2000_art, Gina Jensen-Hill, @pain.is.poetry – Paul Suciu, @pause.and.breathe – Susan Latty, Edith Meier, @acciental_artist3, @berleyart, Oola Cristina, @herr_schrouff, p.a. hamel, aka tman, @borisbschulz2009, @ImageArtistry, Rita Colantonio, @be.mo.re [hopes], Jun Yamaguchi, Karen Axelrad, Clint Cline, @misspichot, Jane Schultz, @mobilestorytelling, @travggirl1.
‘Her beauty was only…’ ©wmson2000_art

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