Mobile Photography – Instagram TAKEOVER with Lisa Mitchell from England
Are you really ready for even more joie de vivre? Yes? We are always ready and today we can officially announce that Lisa Mitchell (@lisarmitchellphotography) is taking over our Instagram account for the next fourteen days! Over the past few months we have had some stunning mobile photographers and artists takeover our Instagram page, these include: Robin Cohen (@psychephoto), Lee Atwell (@lee_atwell), Jane Schultz (@before.1st.light), Armineh Hovanesian (@armineh29), Lorenka Campos (@lorenka), Barbara Nebel (@barbaranebel), Kate Zari Roberts (@kate.z.roberts), Carol Weibe (@cawestruck), Meri Walker (@iPhoneArtGirl), David Leibowitz (@dleibo), Gillian Brodie (@gilliannb) and Gerry Coe (@coeiphoneart). Please take a look at our @TheAppWhisperer Instagram account to follow all the goings on and…