Winners Announced For Mobile Art > L’arte è Mobile – Festival FuturoPresente 2014
I am so delighted to announce the winners of the Mobile Art > L’arte è Mobile – Festival FuturoPresente 2014 awards hosted by Giancarlo Beltrame. The international jury, comprised of myself Founder and Editorial Director of TheAppWhisperer as well as Columnist for Vogue and Contributing Editor to LensCulture as well as Gianluigi Colin, Art Director of the most popular Italian daily newspaper, Corriere della Sera, Gina Costa, Professor of 20th Century art and photography and curator the Snite Museum of Art, University of Notre Dame, Nicki Fitz-Gerald, editor of iPhoneography Central, and Andrea Bigiarini, writer, digital artist and founder of NEM – New Era Museum. The first prize goes to…