MIRA Mobile Art Prize 2022 – Results
We are delighted to announce the Winner’s and the entire Shortlist of the 13th edition of the 2022 Annual MIRA Mobile Art Prize, created by Manuela Matos Monteiro and supported by TheAppWhisperer among others within the Mobile Art World. The award celebrates contemporary art within six specific categories, these include, Landscape, Portrait, Daily Life, Architecture, Minimal and Digital Art. The past few years we have all experienced so much hardship and loss that it makes this years MIRA Mobile Art Prize even more thrilling and meaningful. It was truly an honour and privilege to be member of the jury of this esteemed mobile photography and art competition, celebrating the world’s best mobile artists…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr/Instagram Group Showcase – 28 April 2019
“If you’re paying attention and making your own life as beautiful and rich and fun as it can be, you might just attract someone who’s doing the same thing, you can give up on tracking someone down with your butterfly net.” Words by Anne Lamott, who married this week at Deer Park Villa, in Fairfax, California. She met her husband through a dating site, called OurTime, a matchmaking site for the over 50’s. She had been single for a long period and felt absolutely no wanton feelings to change that. When asked, by the New York Times writer, Lois Smith Brady, 26th April 2019, why she stayed single so long,…
Mobile Photography Awards 2015 – Podcast with Daniel Berman – coming soon!
We’re delighted to reveal that the Mobile Photography Awards (MPA) 2015 First Place Winners and all Honorable mentions have now been announced. The Grand Prize Winner, The Photo Essay Winner and The General Photography Category will be announced tomorrow – 3rd February 2016. I am delighted to announce that I will be interviewing Dan Berman, founder of The Mobile Photography Awards on 4th February 2016. This will be an audio interview and I will create a podcast of our interview and it will be available to listen to via TheAppWhisperer.com site of course and also our iTunes Podcast channel and throughout our vast social media channels too. I would like…
Grand Flickr Group Showcase of 2015 – TheAppWhisperer – Mobile Photography and Art
This Grand Flickr Group Showcase of 2015 represents the top favourited images from our Flickr Group – Mobile Photography & Imagery. Each week we produced a showcase and we have selected images from all of those showcases to bring you this epic finale of the year of 2015. There is plenty here (over 200 images and artists featured) to enlarge your sense of mobile photography and mobile art. This showcase will compel you to keep watching and to discover more. You will be heartened, astonished and stunned as you watch, loving it, engrossed in the art. Then as if by chance you will notice, I wash the ground completely beneath…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 20 December 2015
Expectations are set spinning with the very first image of this weeks Mobile Photography and Art Flickr Group Showcase. It’s fierce, funny, stimulating, brilliantly orginal and compelling. This is a showcase that is meticulously gripping and builds to a scintillating finale. If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art flickr group, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. If you would like to view our previous Flickr Group Showcases (please go here). I hope you all enjoy this as much as I do. Many congratulations to the following artists for being featured this week: Robin Robertis, Lorenka Campos, Meri…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 13 December 2015
You may have realised by now that these weekly mobile photography and art Flickr Group Showcases are an expression of love, passion, seduction and heat but also they portray emotions that we sometimes try to suppress, guilt, addiction, shame and anger. What’s the difference between guilt and shame, you may well ask. Guilt is about your behaviour and shame is about who you are, according to more one than source. These showcases above all represent growth, we all pass through passages and stages of life but the question is, can we keep growing? Or will we get stuck somewhere? I am not qualitifed for you to open your psyche to…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 29 November 2015
This is a remarkable mobile photography and art showcase on so many levels, an epic array of dazzling range and achievement. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do. If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art flickr group, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. If you would like to view our previous Flickr Group Showcases (please go here). Many congratulations to the following featured artists this week: Beezzz_, columnsovsleep, Luison, Meri Walker, Angie Lambert, Sheldon Serkin, Kathryn, Eliza Badoiu, Lasteg Vadim, Jim Perdue, Elsa Brenner, Labarussiat Claude, Laura Peischl, Michelle Robinson, Dominique Torrent, Louise Whiting,…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 15 November 2015
“Until I can read a story physically, with the eyes, it doesn’t seem to exist for me”, said Edward P Jones, novelist of three works of fiction. I feel like this when I view your images, I curate and create a story with them physically, for you all to view and to read. Each Sunday when I create these showcases, I substitute literature (of which I am hugely fond of) for your art. Your art fills the pages as a stage without words or letters but with deep meaning, in many ways it offers nurturance, empathy, support and connection – thank you all. If you would like your work to…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 1 November 2015
This is a showcase full of gleeful and skin-crawling brilliance, I hope you find it to be as enjoyable and delirously frightening as I do! If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art flickr group, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. If you would like to view our previous Flickr Group Showcases (please go here). Many congratulations to the following featured artists this week: Louise Whiting, Erika Brothers, Denis Perekhrest, Li Dongwei, Trish Korous, Meri Walker, Cathrine Halsor, Bruna, Mimi Svanberg, Sheldon Serkin, Carolyn Hall Young, Gianluca Ricoveri, Poetic Medium, Ralf Mauyog, Lee Atwell, Jane Schultz – before.1st.light’,…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 25 October 2015
I must apologise for being quiet on the site from mid week, this week. On Wednesday I was admitted to hospital and underwent some quite comprehensive abdominal surgery. I am home now but have been having great difficulty trying to manage the pain. I am getting better and didn’t want to miss all your wonderful mobile imagery from this week. So, please enjoy this beautiful showcase. If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art flickr group, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. If you would like to view our previous Flickr Group Showcases (please go here). Many congratulations…