Mobile Photography & Art – Showcase – 27 February 2022
This weeks mobile photography and art showcase is wholly dedicated to our dear friend, Teresita Alonso Garit, developer of the hugely popular mobile app, iColorama. She is currently trying desperately to escape Ukraine. Hopefully, many of you viewed our post from yesterday, with images Teresita has taken within Ukraine. If not, please go here. We have been in close contact with her throughout this war. The latest update I received from her was today at 8.30 am (GMT), she has nearly reached the safety of Poland but she cannot write to me until ‘we are safe 100%‘. Many of her family, as far as I know are still sheltering in…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr/Instagram Group Showcase – 17 October 2021
The transformative power of art mingled with love heighten the potential of our quotidian lives, when we consider Mobile Photography and Art, our untapped potential is as defiant as it is understated. We have produced an exquisitely crafted Showcase this week, a beautifully restrained pictorial about love, loneliness and loss is caressed sensitively as we empathetically chronicle not only the characters who grieve for people not only absent from their lives but also for the desires they have by default relinquished. As if in possession of a wonderful secret, new love represents another version of our future, trilogies of desire, reconciled as we expedite our lives. Stay in the present,…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr/Instagram Group Showcase – 11 April 2021
When my beautiful daughter leaves home for university later this year to read law, there is a book I’ll slip in the bottom of her case, indeed it is a book that I have bought for friends in the past, to help them work through some feelings at difficult times. It is a book by Charlie Mackesy, he was a cartoonist for the Spectator as well as a book illustrator for Oxford University Press but more importantly than that, he is the most kind and generous artist who only wants to give. It consists of conversations between the characters, who match the title of the book – The Boy, the…