Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr/Instagram Group Showcase – 21 November 2021
It is the high calibre of talent shown throughout this weeks Mobile Photography and Art Showcase that spells liberation. The potency of these raw artists crystallises this era’s insurgent shifts in photography and art. Unapologetically, we present this weeks showcase, kicking open the door to your heads and your hearts, with narratives of power, desire, and independence into the view of the brave and unbridled, socially assertive lives that we all share today, Enjoy! If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art Flickr showcase, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. Alternatively if you’re an Instagram user just tag your images with…
Mobile Photography – StreetsAhead – Special Edition – Women’s March 21 January 2017
Welcome to our Special Edition – Women’s March of 21 January 2017, StreetsAhead Showcase. Gina Costa and Cara Gallardo Weil our highly talented StreetsAhead Editors have chosen three distinct images to critique. These include images by Donna Donato, Heather Mc Allister and Kate Zari Roberts, as they represent the variety of the kinds of images that tell the story about the International Women’s March. At the heart of this important international event was the collective voice of Women (and Men) that women’s rights are not negotiable. All genders are equal. Women’s bodies are their own and and it should not be up to the politicians to make policy about what…