Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr/Instagram Group Showcase 9 May 2021
It is Mother’s Day in many parts of the world today, not officially in the UK, we celebrate that day in March. But Mother’s Day, really is everyday, with a beautiful mother of my own and three gorgeous children, I live both sides and it is glorious, in spades. It is a day, not only to be thankful but also to rejoice, to laugh, be happy, to celebrate. Laughter is the best medicine and its positive effects on our health have been clinically studied since the 70’s. There are over 5,000 laughter clubs worldwide, originally inspired by Dr Madan Kataria, who developed laughter yoga in Mumbai, I’m thinking of starting…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr and Instagram Showcase – 1 December 2020
“It cannot be a conincidence that just about the time that photographers stopped discussing whether photography is an art, it was acclaimed as one by the general public and photography entered, in force, into the museum. The museum’s naturalistion of photography as art is the conclusive victory of the century-long campaign waged by modernist taste on behalf of an open-ended definition of art, photography offering a much more suitable terrain that painting for this effort“, On Photography, Susan Sontag, . And so, is the becoming of mobile photography and art as we all continue to elevate this artform and there are none so better artists to do so, than the…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr and Instagram Showcase – 25 October 2020
Memories often provide a great access point for creating a body of work artwork. I’ve been looking at a series entiteld “if you get married again, will you still love me?“. Essentially, separated fathers were asked for memories of words spoken to them by their children. Utilising this information and based upon the spoken responses and what images they invoked in the artists mind, Sharon Boothroyd tried to understand what the children may have been thinking or feeling at the time. The series presents emotional moments, often out of view from the public space, of fathers with their children or children contemplating their new life not living with their father.…