Mobile Photography & Art Flickr/Instagram Showcase – 8 May 2022
What’s so impressive about this weeks mobile photography and art showcase is how deeply we care about each and every artist, how the shape and texture of each of their artworks collide to build a story all its own. This showcase grasps for and ultimately reaches something extraordinary, gliding through the 21st century thoroughly immersing the viewer, it’s nothing short of a masterpiece. Thank you to all the talented artists for submitting your works to our showcase this week. If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art Flickr showcase, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. Alternatively if you’re an Instagram user just…
Mobile Photography/Art Showcase – 18 July 2021
We have a choice, to give ourselves permission to go whereever our thoughts take us and when we do that, we can feel the incredibly rush of creativity and excitement this exists within us all. My body, my choice, turn your fears into excitement, your anxieties into enthusiasm and your passion into energy. The artists in this weeks Showcase have done just that, this is a sumptuous, glorious portrayal of mobile photography and art, today. Each image is individually powerful and together they are extraordinary, rarely have I seen love of art so palpably expressed. Enjoy! If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly…
Mobile Photography & Art Instagram/Flickr Group Showcase – 21 June 2020
“Photography is a foreign language everyone thinks they speak“, DiCorcia (1993-1994) cited in Galassi (1995). Photography is a language, adopted as a means of expression and communication or as an accompaniment to words. It has its own set of grammatical rules and codes. How we read an image is determined by our own personal background factors. A universal photographic language does not exist when compared to a spoken or written language. Photography as a language is more to do with an interpretation rather than a direct translation of information. Language connects people and it also divides them, any language only works if it’s understood. This weeks mobile photography and art…