My Latest Vogue Column Feature Article Published with Photographer Elizabeth Koning
Yes! My latest Vogue interview has just been published with Elizabeth Koning. She is an incredibly talented photographer and I so adore her work. “My photographs testify of intensive, old-fashioned labour. You’ll see portraits of both adults and children, grown still, soberly, in almost painted surroundings”, says Koning. Highly skilled and utlising the ’Sfumato’ technique in much of her portraiture, Koning… (please read more of this interview, here). My column at Vogue looks at the philosophy of the photographer as well as their incredible portfolios. Read the whole article here:
My Latest Vogue Column Article Published with Photographer Heather Evans-Smith
I am so pleased to see my latest article for my column at Vogue has just been published. This time I interviewed the stunningly talented photographer Heather Evans-Smith. “Inspired by the deep emotional qualities of photographers Francesca Woodman and Sally Mann; their influence seeps into the soul of her images. Unlike Woodmann, who preferred to work in old buildings, where the cracked plaster and grimy floorboards lent the pictures a creepy Gothic sensibility; Evans-Smith unearths her beautiful home as studio and setting for her fantastical shoots. In presenting her ingenuity to us, her photographs remind us of our own capacity to dream and in some cases, recall”. Read more here.
My Latest Vogue Column Article Published with Uldus Bakhtiozina
Yes, yes, yes, I just love writing for Vogue and I am so delighted to announce the latest article to my Column has just been published. This time I interviewed another incredibly talented, strong and wonderful female photographer – Uldus Bakhtiozina. She’s a huge inspiration to me and I am sure, to so many of you too. This is a long interview, I had so much fun writing it, grab a coffee and sit down for a few minutes of bliss. “My life in general can be described in one phrase, ‘analytical spontaneity’, I analyze my surroundings and take spontaneous action”. Uldus Bakhtiozina in conversation with Joanne Carter, PhotoVogue Columnist… Please…
Latest Vogue Column Article Published, by Joanne Carter
As many of you may have noticed earlier this month, I have a personal new Column with Vogue (see here), it’s really wonderful and is a place where I interview photovoguers that use Instagram. My latest interview has just been published, I interviewed a very creative photographer, Romina Ressia (@RominaRessia) from Argentina. She’s not a heavy mobile photographer, for her professional work she uses DSLR’s but it’s a great interview nonetheless, if you’d like to read my latest interview with Romina Ressia published by Vogue, please go here.
Alessia Glaviano – Vogue Italia’s Senior Photo Editor – Exclusive Interview with Joanne Carter
‘In the age of social networks it’s becoming harder for an image to stand out and become iconic’. Alessia Giaviano Photo Editor of Vogue Italia talks with Joanne Carter at TheAppWhisperer.com. ‘I agree with Fred Richin (Photography and Imaging at New York University‘s Tisch School of the Arts and co-director of the NYU/Magnum Foundation Photography and Human Rights educational program) when he says that ‘in the era of the image, the image loses power’. We are delighted to publish this interview with Alessia Glaviano Senior Photo Editor for Vogue Italia and L’Uomo Vogue. Born in Palermo, Italy, she is now based in Milan, having lived and worked for many years…