Daily App Digest – 03/14/11
Latest iOS apps and updates to hit the App Store today…
HERO: 108

Gamania Digital Entertainment breaks into the iOS platform with HERO: 108, an action-packed compilation of mini-games for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Available now in the global App Store, HERO: 108 officially brings the popular Gamania cartoon series of the same name to the handheld gaming world. Rendered in the series’ distinctive style, players will get to take on the role of their favorite hero in six fast and furiously fun mini-games. In celebration of its release, players will be able to grab HERO: 108 for FREE in the App Store during a two week promotional period.
With hand-picked fan favorite characters, the HERO:108 App offers portable thrilling gameplay in each of its six mini-games. Players will experience the HERO: 108 adrenaline rush they’ve come to expect while crushing HighRoller’s army in each bite-sized game.
Arizona and New Mexico Hot Springs Guide

The Outsource Cafe is pleased to announce the release of Arizona & New Mexico Hot Springs 2.2 for iPhone and iPod touch. Spanning the Grand Canyon in Arizona to the Gila Cave Dwellings in New Mexico, this guide covers hot springs located in the most visually stunning and culturally ancient settings of North America. From pristine springs on Apache Reservations to the boutique spa scene in quirky Truth or Consequences, you can pick from hard-core wilderness excursions to pampering Santa Fe spas. There is something for everyone in this guide from commercial spas to natural/free hot springs.
The app itself takes guidebooks to the next level with a stunning user interface, moving-map navigation, rich interactive media, social networking, extensive details on each hot spring and free updates. It’s been engineered to work on or off-line, with or without GPS, and supports the iPhone, iPod touch and large-screen iPad.
SYSTEM Manager

AppsHome today is pleased to announce the release of SYSTEM Manager, a powerful multifunctional system level utility for managing memory, background processes, battery health, testing network status and looking up detailed device information. SYSTEM Manager – one of the most popular system activity management utility apps of new year in many countries according to App Store downloads stats.
The newly released mobile device management app is fully compatible with iOS 4.3, whose emphasis on optimized multi-tasking capabilities make SYSTEM Manager’s memory cleaning features as well as its ability to track running processes extremely important tools for users to have access to, helping them ensure that their iDevice continuously runs at peak performance. Additionally, users are given the ability to track unused or unwanted processes, help on kill background apps and perform trickle charge maintenance from directly within the app as well. SYSTEM Manager is currently available for download on the Apple App Store.

Using the MiBeerAge app is simple, and the GUI is intuitive and easy to operate. On launch, the top half of the screen is taken up by the cylindrical iPhone odometer display listing more than 30 different brands: Amstel, Anchor Steam, Asahi, Bass, Becks, Beck’s Dark, Bud Light, Budweiser, Coors, Coors Light, Corona, Corona Extra, Corona Light, Dos Equis, Foster’s, Guinness Draught, Guiness ES, Guiness FE, Heineken, Heineken Light, Labatt Blue, Labatt Blue Light, Miller, Miller Genuine Draft Canada, Miller Genuine Draft USA, Miller Light, Modelo Especial, Molson, Moosehead Canada, Moosehead USA, Negra Modelo, Pacifico, Peroni, Pilsner Urquell, Sapporo, St. Pauli Girl, Sleeman, Spaten Oktoberfest, Stevens Point Special, Tecate, Tsingtao, Warsteiner, etc. The user rotates the display until their choice shows through the translucent selection window, and then touches the Select Your Beer button beneath.
This brings up the input screen, where the user enters the appropriate alphanumeric code located on the can, bottle, or packaging. An Example button is available to give a sample of the coding used for any particular brand. In the case of Miller Light the Example function advises, "On the bottom of the can, neck of the bottle, or the beer packaging there is an expiration, best by, or remove from shelf date. The date example is always a future date. Enter that date e.g., ‘SEP2710’ or ‘OCT1310’ from your bottle, can, or package and we’ll calculate the age from the day it was born, not the expiration date. Enjoy your beer!" Hitting the Enter button after entering the code computes the exact age, in days, of any beer they may be planning to purchase.
Athena’s Tiles

Athena’s Tiles, an edge-match puzzle from Sphere & Cylinder LLC, is now on the App Store for iPhone and iPad. It is open to players with color vision or manual dexterity issues, and those who cannot read or use numbers. The app can play itself showing the moves to a solution. Puzzles are solved at the player’s pace. There is no competition with other players and no time pressure. The twenty-six levels each have an unlimited number of games. Difficulty goes from preschool to adult.
Athena’s Tiles is very simple to play yet calls upon high level thinking skills much like chess. It feels like a game, not "educational software". The player is slowly drawn into deep concentration and logical thinking without realizing it. The increase in difficulty from level to level is very smooth, hardly noticeable. The game has only one rule, to match puzzle pieces based on the symbols on their edges. Twelve symbol sets are provided allowing a player to work with abstract figures, numbers, or letters in different alphabets.

edenpod today is pleased to introduce NewtonApples 1.0 for iOS, their new arcade game where players save Sir Isaac Newton from getting hit by falling objects, and discover his three Laws of Motion at the same time. The goal is to pop falling red apples, slice falling green apples, and flick away descending green leaves, allowing Newton to remain asleep under the tree. Players score points by preventing Newton from being hit twice.
* 27 Fun levels (with more coming up in the next update)
* Different moving backdrops in every single level
* Fun and quirky enemies with their own unique sounds
* Comes with a hidden Hungry Worms game
* Includes original Zombie game
* Original artwork and graphics
* Learn the 3 laws of motion in a fun way or not
* Includes Normal + Hard to test skills and longer playing value
* Pop, Slice & Flick enemies – its like playing 3 games in 1
* Endless Mode – pop till you drop
HamTouch! for iPad

Hi Corp. has announced that HamTouch 1.2.1 will be on sale March 3 through March 16 in celebration of the release of the upgraded version. HamTouch is a pet care game that allows you to feed and play with lively, cute hamsters – created with HI’s high-quality 3D graphics technology – with simple operations, anytime and anywhere.
In this new version, the body shapes of hamsters change depending on the way they are taken care of. For example, they suffer from metabolic syndrome if they’re given too many snacks and they become skinny when they’re not fed for a long time, allowing you to have a lot of fun when taking care of the hamsters. In case the hamsters get chunky, they can slim down by doing exercises.
In addition, you can observe their different reactions depending on the food they like or dislike. Check their profiles to learn their favorite food.
Plus, in response to a user’s request, now you can show off your hamsters on Twitter, viewing all posted information from other users, as well as directly following the user who posted the photos of hamsters on the application. This enables you to spread your world on Twitter and enjoy communication with other users in the world. Please take this great opportunity to experience this game. It will uplift you.
Faust HD

Kopf Digital Publishing GmbH has announced that the Faust I and Faust I HD are available in iTunes store. Faust I from J.W. Goethe is an enhanced eBook containing 11 videos from the silent film combining live-action with animated elements by Ph. Hochhauser. This enhanced eBook is bilingual including both the original German text from year 1880 and its translation into English. Verse numbers are also given.
Faust I is an enhanced eBook combining text with videos. The video sequences have been extracted from a silent film combining live-action and animation. The 11 video sequences, each of 2-3 minutes, are placed at the beginning of the selected chapters and give the highlights of the story to come, but not completely giving away what is really going to happen, intriguing the reader to find out himself.

TanningBooth is an iPhone application which allows users to instantly tan a picture of themselves or friends. The app can be used just for fun or it is perfect for shooting a new Facebook or Twitter Profile Picture! The TanningBooth iPhone Application is very simple to use, the user simply selects the tone (intensity of the tan) they want, choose or take a picture, and voila! The developers of TanningBooth are putting it on sale for the launch. It is available now for only 99c/59p!
Healthy lifestyles have become the center of attention and as a result, less people are tanning themselves under the sun or UV lights in TanningBeds or Tanning Salons, due to health scares! TanningBooth App is perfect as not only does it give you a safe, healthy tan… but it gives you an instant tan, meaning you don’t have to spend countless hours applying fake tan, using TanningBeds or lying under the sun! The TanningBooth application prides itself in saving you time and aiding your help, as you can still get that wonderful profile picture on Facebook, Twitter or any dating site without going to all that trouble.
Text Transmuter

Text Transmuter 1.0 is a free learning tool that you can play with just for fun. Observing a stream of moving characters can give a boost to your mind’s development. Without any conscious effort, your mind will try hard to make sense out of that stream. Start at a slower speed and then increase the rate with the goal to be able to read at the speed of a conversational speech.
There is even an esoteric aspect to this technology. The messages displayed "in transmute" work on the same plane that Buddhist’s prayer wheels and praying flags operate. The app transforms static characters, lined up on paper or stored in an electronic form inside files, into dynamicly moving information, i.e. into living words. That is, they are transmitted by the app and received by the higher powers.
Immersive Spanish

Wattanasoft, a leading provider of iOS language-learning apps, today is pleased to announce Immersive Spanish – Learn and Study is being featured by Apple in the US App Store Education category for the iPad. Immersive Spanish provides the user with a full multimedia learning experience by associating pictures with spoken words and sentences.
Making its debut on the App Store just two days ago, Immersive Spanish has catapulted up the charts and currently sits at number eighteen in the iPad Education category. "With todays interconnected world, language learning is more important than ever," says Brett Hamlin, president. " Immersive Spanish represents a breakthrough in language learning technology by taking advantage of features found in the iPad and iPhone, the user response has been amazing."
Talking Jelly

Mac game developer Tech BLA, today is pleased to announce the release of Jelly O App for iPhone and iPod touch. Designed to offer an exciting mix of personalized entertainment, Jelly O App is more than your everyday entertainment applications, widely available on the app store.
The user is presented with a cute looking, adorable green jelly which responds to certain fixed gestures. If that is all that you think is to this app then you will be surprised with the way the frames and add on feature have been packed in. This app is currently available for download on the Apple App Store absolutely free.
The app gives a very simple yet a very engaging interactive appeal with well finished background together with a variety of animations and frames. This app is a power house to keep all ages occupied and happily engaged for hours. Jelly O App empowers you with giving the jelly your very own makeover with 30 different facial frames ranging from Clown hair, to hippie glasses, to a small mole, specifically designed for this app.
The Minis: Flytrap

Independent game development company, Kuyi Mobile today is pleased to announce the release of The Minis: Flytrap 1.0, its third minigame installment for iPhone and iPod touch. In The Minis: Flytrap, players catch different kinds of flies using a state-of-the-art flytrap in this fun, cartoony and fly-induced casual game for your iOS device. Can you catch them all?
This is your chance to get back at these icky, eeewy, smelly (not that you can smell them from your device) and dirty flying critters. Unlock new breeds of flies, unlock additional game modes, compete with your friends on Game Center or OpenFeint and most importantly, don’t forget to clean your home by eliminating all remaining flies. Whether you’re the type who hates flies or loves them to bits, Kuyi Mobile’s Flytrap will keep you glued to your screen for hours of fun and "fly-tentainment".
CFI Tools Nearest

CFI Tools has announced the availability of CFI Tools Nearest 1.0.1. This is the latest in a popular line of iPhone and iPad Apps for the aviation industry. The value of this App is apparent to any pilot. It’s simple intuitive design makes it a natural for any pilot with an iPhone or iPad.
The strength of this App is its simplicity and usefulness. A touch of the button and you see the bearing and distance to the 100 nearest Airports and NAVAIDs. The Bearing "To" the station can be flipped to the Radial "From" the station with the touch of the From/To button. The NAVAIDs can be filtered by type. If you are just interested in Airports or VORs you can turn off the other stations to just focus on the items you need.
The data base of Airports and NAVAIDs is derived from the FAA National Flight Data Center data base. Therefore it contains data only for the United States Airports, VOR, NDB and other NAVAIDs.
An Amazing Day at the Zoo

Imaginatronics has released the first product in its Learning Infinity Suite of education apps for children. "An Amazing Day at the Zoo," is an innovative and interactive iPad application about a young girl’s visit to the zoo. The goal of Imaginatronics is to provide cutting edge products for the early learning market. The company focuses on creating products that positively impact children by stimulating learning and development at a young age.
"An Amazing Day at the Zoo" is intended for children 10 and younger. This education app follows the main character’s journey as she learns about animals, birds and reptiles, taking advantage of the interactive features that the iPad and other tablets offer. Like all of Imaginatronics iPad apps for kids, "Sarah’s Adventures" contains immersive features such as a read aloud option, and the ability for children to "swipe" to turn pages or "pinch" to expand video.
The iPad and tablet based applications developed by Imaginatronics heavily feature videos, images and detailed narration. In regards to the release of these new education apps in the Learning Infinity Product Suite, Imaginatronics Founder and President Marcus Cherian stated, "Many people overlook the vital significance of early learning. We are excited about the possibilities for how technology will create a new platform that will enable learning to take place in a more individualized manner. Imaginatronics is dedicated to creating a new portfolio of exciting products for the Apple iPad that are dedicated towards children’s development."
iCamera HDR

Everimaging is pleased to announce the release of iCamera HDR 1.4 on apple store. iCamera HDR includes the most advanced capture modes, full 32-bit HDR processing workflow, a range of digital photography post processing functions and awesome photo effects all in one app. This is also the easiest app to produce the results you, your friends and family will love. It works with photos taken by your iPhone, as well as those already in your Camera Roll from other sources.
Key features:
*Using the full range of HDR Capture modes (auto, manual, rapid, normal) as well as image stabilization and the iPhone’s LED as an additional light source.
*Advanced image alignment algorithm precisely aligns photos in seconds.
*Innovative E-Lighiting technology used to automatically enhance the detail, color and contrast of single images with simple ease.
*Dozens of sliders and buttons for you to completely fine tune and control your final images.
*Direct Export To Social Media such as Flickr and Facebook. Emailing photos directly from the app is also available.
*Dozens of high-quality photo effects are also included
RPS Mania

Panorama Concepts has announced the global release of the RPS Mania app for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. The app, RPS Mania, is the premier Rock Paper Scissor game that utilizes state of art video interactive A.I system to ensure maximum addiction at all times. So what are you waiting for? Download RPS Mania, and test your RPS skills. Vico, Yumi and Miya are eagerly waiting for you!
Feature Highlights:
* Great graphic design and crystal clear video gameplay brings you hours of pleasure
* Innovative A.I programming that ensures you will always get a challenging game
* Great sound effects plus automatic save feature function
Space Freight

I-Imagine Interactive, an emerging mobile game developer, has announced the successful recent release of Space Freight for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Created to offer mobile gaming enthusiasts an engaging strategic gaming experience, this space roaming adventure throws players into the shoes of a galactic navigator as they attempt to help their mother-ship – the Galactic Explorer SV-3 – reach as many new and exotic planets as possible before it runs out of energy.
The mobile gaming community has quickly embraced this visually stunning game, pushing it into the TOP 100 Arcade & Puzzle apps categories for both the iPhone as well as iPad. The game has also been noticed by iTunes itself, garnering a place in their coveted "New & Noteworthy" App Category within days of release. Space Freight is currently available for download on the Apple App Store for $0.99 for mobile devices running on iOS 3.2 or later.
Chrono Span

Joshua Waller, an independent mobile application developer, has today announced the release of Chrono Span for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This useful mobile countdown utility allows users to select specific days – either in the future or in the past – and keep a rolling count of how much time has either gone by since a day was selected or how many days are left until a selected day or event will come up. This app allows users to have numerous count-down clocks, each accurate down to the second, available at their fingertips to remind them how long they have to wait for friends birthdays, future holidays, vacations, or any other occasion they decide to input! Chrono Span is currently available for download on the Apple App Store for only $0.99/Download
Book Crawler

The Book Crawler book database/catalog/library app describes itself as the highest rated book database in the App Store based on hundreds of user reviews. With Book Crawler, you finally have a way to quickly and accurately upload your entire book collection into one easy-to-manage library cataloging database! Adding new books to your database is simple and fast with the ISBN barcode scanner or manual number search.
Title, author, publisher, copyright, cover art, summaries, Goodreads (R) reviews, and local library location/availability are automatically generated when you enter a book. Locate all books and editions written by your favorite author. Sort and search your library collection with selected or custom parameters to quickly categorize or navigate your entries for quick recall. Tell your friends through Facebook and Twitter what you are reading. It’s a great tool for library professionals, book collectors, avid readers, teachers, and students.

MochiBits today is proud to announce SwipeTapTap was included on the Apple app store overall New and Noteworthy list a week after being released! SwipeTapTap (STT) is a fast-paced gesture game where you must quickly kill orbs with 9 simple finger movements. STT challenges gamers of all ages and types with its 4 unique game modes!
Classic mode allows you to race against the moving flow of orbs. Kill the orbs before they reach the other end of your screen. Progress your way through the levels as the speed and number of gestures increase.
Memory mode is like the classic Simon Says memory game. But instead of colors and buttons, you must use your brain and remember each of the nine distinct moves in random order.
Speed mode is where you can challenge yourself to race against the clock. Get as many correct moves in as time allows. The harder the difficulty, the more moves you will have to master.

Steinberg Media Technologies today is pleased to announce the successful recent release of LoopMash 1.0 for the iPhone and iPod touch. Representing a simplified user friendly version of the LoopMash virtual instrument, this musical utility combines a simple yet awe inspiring 3D user interface with vibrant graphics and intuitive music mixing controls to give users a mixing app that is as responsive as it is addicting and engaging to play with. The perfect mobile tool for music lovers and all app enthusiasts alike, LoopMash is currently available for download on the Apple App Store.
This app isn’t simply a music manipulation tool. It’s an addicting genre-bender of a mobile experience that will have users creating their own music at home, on the way to work, out on the weekend, and at every step in between. Its innovative approach to mixing allows users to simultaneously merge up to four two-bar loops by matching and replacing the comparable elements in each individual song. Now, admittedly this sounds like something that the casual user might feel lost doing, but in practice LoopMash’s mixing controls ensure that the music creation process is both intuitive and seamless.
Cute Slideshow

Cute Logic today is pleased to announce the release of Cute Slideshow 1.0 for iPhone and iPod touch. Cute Slideshow allows users to take their treasured photographs and combine them with transitions, text and music to create beautiful and stylish slideshows. Slideshows can be saved and played back later. With an iPhone 4 or 4th generation iPod touch, users can play back slideshows on a television or monitor.
Cute Slideshow uses a simple and intuitive interface to make it easy to create slideshows from the iPhone or iPod touch’s photo library and camera roll. Users can manually select photos from their iTunes synchronised photo libraries and arrange them into a show. Additionally the Instant Slideshow feature makes it easy to automatically create slideshows from users’ recently taken photos.
Cute Slideshow provides 20 professional quality transitions which showcase users’ photos stylishly and beautifully. Users can add text slides to annotate their slideshows and choose their own soundtrack from their iPod music library. Once a user has created a slideshow, they can play it back on a big screen using an iPhone 4 or 4th generation iPod touch and an external video cable.
Farts VS Zombies Lite

Now you can try Farts VS Zombies by Mutant Games for free downloading the Lite version for your iPhone and iPod Touch. Farts VS Zombies is a simple and addictive game where you defend Japanese schoolgirls from zombies, guiding fart clouds by dragging them. Get ready for crazy moments, challenging hordes of zombies, fart combos, car demolition and funny Special Attacks!
Gunner Galaxies

Activate weapon systems and blast your way to wealth and power in Gunner Galaxies, Fluik’s follow-up to the best-selling Gunner. Work your way up the ranks as you mine asteroid fields for the treasure and crystal buried within. It’s a dangerous business, of course, but you can always upgrade your ship to turn your shipinto an unstoppable destructive force! Gunner Galaxies is classic arcade action updated for the 21st century and beyond. Strap yourself in, but don’t get cocky.
Cover Orange

FDG Entertainment has just released another FREE Cover Orange update! 20 more levels are served to a whopping 2.5m+ user-base on iPhone and iPad. Further levels are already in the works. Cover Orange now counts a total of 160 levels which is double the amount since its launch in December.
Cover Orange is a highly acclaimed, unique physics puzzler with an average user rating of 5 stars worldwide. The game is a co-production between FDG and the original Flash developer “Johnny-K”. Cover Orange supports Retina Screen graphics and Game Center (Leaderboard + Achievements).