645 PRO – Updated – Release 2.0
We’ve just been informed that the incredibly popular app, 645 PRO has been updated and will be available for download tomorrow – September 15, 2012. Release 2.0 is, so we have been told, ‘faster, more capable and more robust’.
‘Many core elements of the software have been re-written to optimise performance in various areas, from the real-time preview and UI responsiveness, to file save times. There has also been a huge push to ensure that it is completely stable in operation, even when challenged by external factors (such as misbehaving third-party apps). And everything has been through an extensive pre-release testing phase’, we were informed by Mike Hardaker, the Developer.
Take a look at some of the new features below. This will be a free update, if you have previously purchased this app. If you haven’t don’t worry as we will have some free codes to giveaway. Make sure you check back tomorrow for that!
What’s New?
A pair of new photo filters have been added, providing a choice of neutral graduated filtering that can help bring landscape skies to the fore. And the way that photo filters are accessed has also been modified, making it easy to toggle between a previously set-up filter setting and no filter.
The Film Modes have received some subtle yet sophisticated mods that help to overcome the inherent iPhone tendency to blown-out (clipped) highlights. Quite simply, these bring image highlights to life.
645 PRO now supports automatic interface rotation (lockable, for those who prefer a fixed orientation). And photographers using externally mounted DSLR lenses now have the ability to “flip” the viewfinder image to compensate for the flipped image they get from their add-on lens kit.
But the bulk of the additions can be seen after a photograph has been taken. Press the View/Share button and you’ll see that Instagram has been added to the sharers. You also now have an “Open In” option, that will open the image you are viewing in any application installed on your iPhone that exposes an interface for the file type in question (including Dropbox).
And if you choose to save unprocessed dRAW TIFF files to 645 PRO’s private Documents folder, you’ll see a new icon leading you to a space where these files can be managed in-app, rather than via iTunes File Sharing. You can view and delete your TIFFs, use the Open In functionality with those apps that support it, and copy images to Camera Roll for later editing using another app or syncing to your computer.
Full Update List
➢ In-app management of dRAW TIFFs in the 645 PRO Documents folder: includes Preview, “Open In…”, Copy to Camera Roll and Delete functionality
➢ Added Camera Roll “Open In” function for all compatible apps (includes third-party editing apps, and Dropbox, if installed)
➢ Added Camera Roll sharing to Instagram
➢ Updated/enhanced other sharers
➢ Photo filters modified: now swipe left-right to toggle on/off, up-down on LH side to select, up-down on RH side to adjust intensity
➢ Two new photo filters: hard and soft neutral graduated
➢ Photo filter settings stored in metadata
➢ Auto-rotation replaces treble-tapping on Back Selector to rotate 180° (lockable via main Settings.app)
➢ Added DSLR lens flip option (via Settings.app) for users with external, typically DSLR, lenses that flip the image➢ Photographs can be saved to custom Camera Roll albums (named via main Settings.app)
➢ Enhanced Film Modes, optimised to reduce blown-out highlights wherever possible
➢ Enhanced saving performance
➢ Larger file save buffer for TIFFs
➢ New Buffer Full indicator
➢ Split-screen level guide goes “bright” when level
➢ Enhanced GPS accuracy
➢ Grid, Meter, WB-L and Timer buttons have larger target “hot zone”, so easier to press
➢ Further overall performance/power management enhancements
➢ Minor UI tweaks to enhance responsiveness
➢ Fixed: filters cannot now be set in Q-Mode
➢ Fixed: focus point-of-interest selection is more accurate when zoom is used
➢ Minor bug fixes, tweaks and enhancements to performance and power-management
➢ iOS 6 compatibility updated
➢ User Manual updated
Lovely application and thanks for update..waiting for it
Mel Harrison
Will they be Aus app store compatible this time Joanne? Was so disappointed I had to miss out last time I won a code 🙁