Image Blender – Updated
Image Blender has to be one of the most popular iPhone photogaphy apps available. We have interviewed and published 111 mobile photography interviews to date, including the Day in the Life series as well as the Extension of the I series. So many of these photographers use Image Blender in their daily work, it is quite astounding.
So, they will all want to grab this new update, the developer, Johan Andersson is a huge supporter of theappwhisperer and this is how he has described the new update:
“It’s mostly a facelift and a lot of the underlying parts has been rewritten and prepared for a lot of new updates that will be released this spring, there’s still many features and good improvements in the pipeline.
There’s a small fun feature that I have in other apps that I wanted to highlight. In 1.9 if you pick a GIF image, Image Blender will let you choose from all frames within it. With this you can just pick a specific frame and then just export it and adjust it in other apps that do not have the same support. Just thought it was a fun feature that I wanted to share :)”
This developer is very committed to this app and it’s exciting to hear there are new updates coming out very soon, we will of course keep you informed of all of those.
This is a free update, if you have previously downloaded Image Blender, if not, you can download it here. It retails for $2.99/£1.99.
The image below was created by Maddy McCoy in which she used Image Blender. We recently published Maddy’s day in the life interview. If you missed that, you can read it here.