Streets Ahead – Twentieth Edition
Welcome to the twentieth edition of “Streets Ahead” a weekly column dedicated to women mobile street photographers.
Each week we review and curate work that was submitted to our Flickr Group. And we are proud to share that our membership is growing and expanding on a daily basis. We can’t thank you all enough for your continued support and encouragement… this collective is a wonderful example of true community spirit and sharing. So please accept our heartfelt thanks. And then, ladies, turn around and give yourselves a pat on the back and two thumbs up… because you definitely deserve it!!!
Also, if you are not a member of our Facebook group, we highly recommend that you join us. This is the place where we share newsworthy information, as well as conduct discussions about Women Photographers/Artists and Street Photography in general. We are a very welcoming, supportive and enthusiastic group of women… so please join us, if you haven’t already.
• Flickr Group (for weekly submissions)
• Facebook Group (for information sharing/discussions)
Hope you enjoy this week’s showcase!
“Señora” by Tess Gomm

If I didn’t know that Tess had taken this photograph with a mobile device, I would’ve sworn that this was from the 1940‘s/1950‘s. I think this is such a great candid… not only because of the authentically aged look, but because it piques my curiosity. Obviously this was photographed at some kind of social function… and I want to know what Señora is looking at! Everyone else is facing forward, but for some reason she is turning around. Did someone say something to her? Or did something just happen? OK, I’ll admit it… I’m nosy. And this is the kind of picture that brings it out in me….
“Wedding Photos” by Donna Donato

At first glance, my immediate impression was “fairy tale wedding photo op.” And knowing that Donna lives in Paris, I’m guessing that this was taken along The Seine. But once I got past my initial response, I realized that this image spoke to me with a slightly whimsical and humorous voice. Why? Well, to begin with, I see a bride concerned with the placement of her gown, while a friend (or assistant) is helping her straighten out the train. And then there’s the man on the far right who is standing with his back turned, looking in the opposite direction. But what really brought a smile to my face was the tree… standing tall and confident with her branch (arm) raised and stretched outward. It’s as though she’s inviting all to come and watch the activity…. OR she has become annoyed and irritated with all the fussing. Either way, the tree is the star of this show for me…
Beautifully seen, Donna!
“Those Blue Shoes” by Candice Railton

Yep. Who doesn’t love a good pair of Converse sneakers?!! I wore them for decades, in every color imaginable. And now both of my kids have become devotees of this shoe. But, believe it or not, it was not my personal love affair that made me want to comment on this picture… it was the photograph itself. Candice got down as low as she could go for this shot, and the result of her “crouching” is gorgeous! I love the graceful line on the sneaker as it leads our eye into the background. I also found myself giving her a “thumb’s up” for seeing the beautiful color balance between the shoe and the flower… because as we all know, opposites on the Color Wheel are a sure bet for harmony!
Beautifully seen and well done, Candice!
“The world is a huge space, but the space that will take you in – and it doesn’t have to be very big – is nowhere to be found.” (“Kafka on the Shore” by Haruki Murakami) by Tuba Korhan

I LOVE this photograph!!!… and it instantly brought Stanley Kubrick to mind. Tuba’s choice of tones and framing gives a rich cinematic feel to this picture. But more importantly, I think there is a fabulous story in here. I find so much mystery and intrigue between the juxtaposition of humans and mannequins. It’s as though we’re wandering through a sea of mannequins… and we stumbled upon this young girl who is trying to find her way out of the maze. Beautiful work, Tuba!!
“Jewel” by Jeanette Vazquez

Everything about this photograph feels “musical” to me. The rich and luscious colors, the woman’s dress and posture.. and the “up close and personal” perspective. Jeanette clearly was walking in front of this woman when she took this picture… and she snapped at the right moment. But aside from all that, what I found myself constantly thinking was: “She looks like a reincarnation of Janis Joplin!”
This realization, alone, melted my heart… Beautiful photograph, Jeanette!!
Flickr Group Showcase
Thanks for the inclusion! And congrats to all especially my friends Armineh, Cyndy, Meri, Michelle, Tracey, Tuba and Veevs!
cyndy johnson
Thank you Geri ! Congrats to you also
Tess Gomm
Hey JQ (and JC!) THANK YOU. To satisfy that nosy gene, this is story behind Senora. We were in Gaucin, Andalucia, Spain, and the village was celebrating the festival of Santo Nino. This lady was with her friends in the procession – just chatting and enjoying the atmosphere. I took several panormaic shots as everyone passed by. I just loved her expression and -yes – the 50s feel. It was as if time had stood still…
Cyndy Johnson
Thank you so much for including my image. The showcase was once again fantastic! I am so stoked to be included with all these talented ladies. And you JQ need to take a bow yourself for the fabulous work you do. Much appreciated.
Meri Walker
Hey JQ, I thank you for including my shot in the 20th edition. First time for me to see my work here on TAW and I am just delighted to be in the company of such talented sisters. You included!