StreetVIEW – 24HourProject Interview with AikBeng Chia by Laura Peischl
This is the tenth and final interview that Laura Peischl has completed with photographers involved with the incredible #24HourProject, please see her introductory article here. We have put each interview into a separate article so that it’s easier for you to navigate, they can all be found under Laura’s Column StreetVIEW here.
This one is with AikBeng Chia…

‘Image’ – ©AikBeng Chia
What is your name, both real and Instagram ?
Hello.. My name is AikBeng Chia & my Instagram is @aikbengchia
Was this the first time you participated in this exciting 24 hour project, or have you taken part in previous years as well?
I’ve been taking part since 2012. This is my 3rd time.
What city where you able to document?
The city where I was born, Singapore.
What inspired you, or drove you to take part in this project, i mean walking around 24 hours is not for the faint hearted!
What drove me was the support I wanted to give to the creators Renzo Grande @aliveinnyc and Sam Smotherman @whittiersam when they invited me.
Did you plan where to go or did you have an idea what you wanted to document, or did you just let fate decide as you wandered through the streets?
No planning or any idea. Just wander the streets of Singapore.
What was the biggest challenge you faced during the 24 hours?
When it starts at midnight, around 3am onwards most of the places in Singapore will be like a ghost town.

Image – ©AikBeng Chia
Do you feel like the time pressure was beneficial to your creativity, or did it just make you nervous and diminish the quality of your images slightly?
No, I don’t feel the pressure, just chill, have fun and shoot.
Did you develop a work flow for every hour in order to manage uploading your next image in time?
Nope, as most of the time, I depends on my instincts to upload the photo after I edit them.
Be honest, did you by any chance cheat a little by processing a few pictures in advance in order to rest a bit?
Nope, but I do rest and before I rest, I’ll take a photo and upload.
Did you follow the IG feed of other excellent photographers taking part in the competition? You know, to check on your “competition”!
Yes I do follow the IG feed of other excellent photographers from other cities. Honestly I don’t view it as competition. We are coming together as one to share what we see in our cities and have fun during the process.

Image – ©AikBeng Chia
What was your secret to staying up so long? Energy drinks? Coffees? Pure determination? Fruit smoothies perhaps?
I don’t drink coffees nor energy drinks. It just the inspiration & spirit from everyone from all over the cities that kept me awake.
Would you take part in this again next year?
If time permit yes I will do it again. But I’ll try to do it differently when the time comes.
Was it a point when you considered giving up and going home? Did you walk the whole 24 hours?
Give up, Nope. Going home to rest, Yes. I did not walk the whole 24 hours, but the 1st and 2nd time, yes I walked 24 hours.
If you had to choose, what would be your 3 favorite imaged from that long day?
The three images included within this interview.
What were some thoughts that ran through your mind when you were finally able to crash into bed?
How to do it differently for next year.
One Comment
Tracy Mitchell Griggs
Interesting images – like the low light/night images – wish more of the interviews had included apps most frequently used in their workflow and low light tips for shooting in those conditions