Kickstarter – ‘Everyday’ by Jay Desind
Take a look at this fabulous KickStarter by Jay Desind, in his own words: “everyday is the culmination of a photographic and artistic odyssey that began when I bought a one way ticket to Singapore. My intent was to travel for about two months and then return home.
I never made it back home.
Over three years later I’ve traveled to over 30 countries and taken over 160,000 photographs. Two books of photography and poetry and an ever expanding audience on social media led me to the idea of producing a quality hard cover book.
This book is over 750 pages of photography and inspirational stories or poetry. Every photo shared in the book was taken and then processed on the iPhone…”.
The target for this project is $15,000, currently Jay has been pledged $735, let’s see if we can help get that up. To find out more about this inspiring project, go here.

Jay Desind
Thanks, Joanne, for the shout out. This project is very close to my heart and it exists because of all the inspiration I see everyday around my by the other artists that have made something amazing out of the iPhone and similar products. My fingers are crossed that it gets funded and that I am able to share it later in the year.
Tracy Mitchell Griggs
Quite an undertaking. I edited a book of photos last year – two years in the making and 26 states in the US – not quite the same volume that you are working with – if you had not considered it, you might want to hook up with and budget for a really good editor – the person whose book I edited last year, has published 8 books over 30 years – and he needed two editorial consultants. It really helps to have an objective professional consult on large undertakings of this magnitude. Good luck with Kickstarter.