Mobile Movies Showcase – Week 53 – by Vanessa Vox and Giulia Baita
Welcome the fifty-third showcase in our Mobile Movies Column, now curated and edited by Vanessa Vox and Giulia Baita. Every two weeks Vox and Baita will curate the movie uploads to our Flickr group MobileMoviesTheAppWhisperer. They will view all the videos uploaded and comment on the ones selected.
Within this selection today, both Vox and Giulia have curated the movies and Giulia has written the commentary this week, this will alternate (foreword by Joanne Carter).
All of the entries were either shot or created on mobile devices.
Please view and enjoy these fabulous mobile movies below. We would like to thank this week’s contributors: Ger van den Elzen, Dani Salvadori, Edward Santos and Hans Borghorst.
Ger van den Elzen Photography, “Fast bicycle madness”
This video has the speed and immediacy of movies made with a GoPro Hero. Action Sport cameras filmed in real-time action in motion. Here it is a sample video on the go with an iPhone. Action Sports Movie with iPhone: interesting challenge for a iPhonographer…
Dani Salvadori, “Transformation”
The video captures the gestures of a girl on the metro while she is putting on facial make-up. Most women have done a similar thing; makeup in the car, at the traffic lights, on the train; quickly as other things are happening around her. This scene of this Street Movie tells of a chaotic urban reality and a female population that works and runs but do not give up their femininity.
Edward Santos, “Day at the beach”
The suggestion of the beach, the seagulls, the children who make sand castles, chatting under the umbrella. All this emerges from this video and makes us sense the scent of the sea. The ‘circular effect contributes to the charm of the beach = world. A universe of sensations, a circular effect of small figures that move. Fascinating!
Natali Prosvetova, “Doorways”
The video uses the circular effect with spirals in movement. The colours, lines, evocative music, seem to recall the cover of a vinyl record. A 33 rpm of Genesis, or The Who, or Emerson Lake & Palmer, heard thousands of times and so loved. A surreal and poetic image.
Hans Borghorst, “Elapsed Events
Flickr link
The music in this video highlights the surreal situation. A poster torn. The wind moves the paper and seems to see the time recalling the transience of things. Our thoughts go to some French film in the 50s and 60s or the ‘Ecole du regard’ which describes in minute detail the objects. Something is over and left a mark.