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APPart – Mobile Art – Winter Challenge Results and Showcase

We are delighted to publish our wonderful APPart Winter Challenge Showcase!  Many thanks to our incredible editor Bobbi McMurry for organising this and of course to all of you incredibly talented artists for creating such stunning art (foreword by Joanne Carter). Take it away Bobbi…

“Thank you to all that participated in our fifth AppArt Challenge on the topic of winter; a time for all to reflect on the year that was, and a time to look forward to the year that is new. My hope is that this challenge was a way to seek the beauty sequestered in the darkened skies and brisk temperatures. So, get yourself a cup of steamy hot tea and enjoy these fabulous AppArtist’s interpretations on winter.

Congratulations to our featured APPartists in this showcase: Tessfra, Mandolina Moon, Sukru Mehmet Omur, Tim Creamer, Pat Brown, Beezzz, Renee Lynn, Liliana Schwitter, Allyson Marie, Claude Panneton, Gillian B, Ron Boger, Elsa Brenner, Poetic Medium, Tessfra, and Giulia Baita“.

(The music in this showcase is called ‘Through the Winter’ and is by The Woodlands (link here).

‘Challenge 5 – Winter’ – Giulia Baita

Flickr APPart Winter Showcase

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Bobbi McMurry received her BFA from Arizona State University where she focused on painting, drawing, and printmaking. After graduating, she spent many years as an Art Director for custom and newsstand magazines. She has recently rekindled her passion for creating personal images and has gravitated to the world of mobile art. Her work has been accepted into numerous juried exhibitions, and has been recognized in mobile art competitions including The Third Wave and the Mobile Photo Awards. Additionaly, her work is part of the current iPhonic Art Exhibit at Markham Vinyards in California. She has been featured on mobile photography blogs, and recently became a columnist for The App Whisperer. Bobbi lives and works in Phoenix, Arizona.