Mobile Movies Showcase – Week 71 – TheAppWhisperer
Welcome the seventy first showcase in our Mobile Movies Column, curated and edited by Giulia Baita. All of the entries were either shot or created on mobile devices. Many congratulations for being highlighted and featured to: Clarisse Debout, Karen Axelrad, Tom, Dani Salvadori, Oskinga and Sukru Mehmet Omur
Please join our growing mobile movies community. We are a very enthusiastic and supportive group of artists.
• Flickr Group (for weekly showcase submissions)
‘Try your wings’ – – Clarisse Debout
Video filming the flight of two or three pigeons across rooftops. Slow Motion emphasises this slow flight and it seems a metaphorical flight. “Try your wings”, begin your journey. Where it will take you? It is hard to say .. The music is perfect for this suspended and unreal atmosphere. Well done!
‘Hairdresser’ – Karen Axelrad
The images move to the interior of a hairdressing salon. Effects in black and white alternate with color effects by creating a surreal atmosphere. Time Lapse tells a hectic and fascinating world. Music accompanies and emphasises fast motion, the art work and style of a hair salon. Very interesting!
‘Ping’ – Tom
The scene is common with someone filling a shopping cart in a supermarket. Olloclip Lens focus from the internal point of view of the carriage and Time Lapse makes the frenetic movement. A daily gesture has become a symbol of a mass society where gestures seem emptied of meaning. Great!
‘Breathe…float’ – Dani Salvadori
Abstract images follow one another accompanied by soft music. The overall effect is very refined and elegant. The dominant color is pink. Atmosphere dreamy and slow; music similar to a music box. Magical!
‘Don’t Pay Attention, Sometimes’ – Oskinga
The video plays with the colors and geometric images. Various effects of figures that overlap, intertwine and change color. Music accompanies this game with pretty voice of a woman. Very nice!
‘Look of Love’ – Sukru Mehmet Omur
The video is designed to lay that magical moment when two people cross the eye and find they like each other. It could be a love story set in a few seconds! Slow Motion slow movement, the gaze of the man who turns his head to look at the woman’s face. A second and a lifetime can change … Well done!
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