APPArt Mini #5 Featuring Mobile Artist Rino Rossi

Please enjoy our fifth post to our new section within our APPart Column entitled – APPart Mini (to view our earlier ones, please go here). This time our editor Bobbi McMurry talks with Rino Rossi to find out more about his work, over to you Bobbi. (Foreword by Joanne Carter).

Apps: Aquarella, Mextures, Decim8, Stackables, Image Blender

Rino Rossi

Contact Details:




Non-objective art, likely one of the most misunderstood genres. We don’t have many AppArt contributors who regularly create within this category, but Rino most always does. Go to an abstract art opening and you might hear comments like “My two year old paints better than that”! Great nonrepresentational art is created with feeling and energy that draws you in and forces you to apply your own meaning. Perhaps it’s just an emotion, a feeling, or maybe even a memory, but it’s something personal and different depending on who is viewing the work.

Rino has shared his originals as well as the progression images as an invitation to the impetus of “Poppy Nogood”.


"Poppy Nogood" is inspired (just from the title) to the wonderful Terry Riley’s piece (from "A Rainbow in Curved Air"). I wanted to translate the alien notes with right visual patterns. I’ve chosen a common picture taken in a station. I made "painting" with AQUARELLA. Then I embellished with the formula "Parisian" of MEXTURES. Later I used DECIM8 to break and handle the result. Next, another texture, "Better Days", from the app STACKABLES. Finally I entered, one at a time, three other images from my archive.

Thus was born "Poppy Nogood": ecstasy and repetitiveness.

(Please follow the steps below to view the final image)

Default Camera (iPhone 6 Plus)


Mextures (Parisian)


Stackables (Better Days)

‘Three shots from my archives’

Image Blender (three times)

"Poppy Nogood" is inspired (just from the title) to the wonderful Terry Riley’s piece (from "A Rainbow in Curved Air"). I wanted to translate the alien notes with right visual patterns. I’ve chosen  a common picture taken in  a station. I made "painting" with AQUARELLA. Then I embellished with the formula "Parisian" of MEXTURES. Later I used DECIM8 to break and handle the result. Again a texture, "Better Days", from the app STACKABLES. Finally I entered, one at a time, three other images from my archive.

Thus was born "Poppy Nogood": ecstasy and repetitiveness.

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Bobbi McMurry received her BFA from Arizona State University where she focused on painting, drawing, and printmaking. After graduating, she spent many years as an Art Director for custom and newsstand magazines. She has recently rekindled her passion for creating personal images and has gravitated to the world of mobile art. Her work has been accepted into numerous juried exhibitions, and has been recognized in mobile art competitions including The Third Wave and the Mobile Photo Awards. Additionaly, her work is part of the current iPhonic Art Exhibit at Markham Vinyards in California. She has been featured on mobile photography blogs, and recently became a columnist for The App Whisperer. Bobbi lives and works in Phoenix, Arizona.