Mobile Photography and Art – A Picture’s Worth with Mandolina Moon from the US
‘A Picture’s Worth‘… is where we ask mobile photographers that have created powerful mobile photography/art to explain the processes they took. This includes their initial thoughts as to what they wanted to create, why they wanted to create it, how they created it, including all apps used and what they wanted to convey. We also ask these incredible artists to explain their emotions and how the image projects those feelings. We have published a few A Picture’s Worth articles recently, if you have missed those – please go here.
In this ‘A Picture’s Worth’ today we asked Mandolina Moon to tell us more about this image ‘Supernatural Forest Devi’. Matthews has detailed her thoughts below, we think you’ll find this invaluable…
“Thank you Joanne Carter for inviting me to participate in A Picture’s Worth. With the exception of photographing my dog, Briar-Rose, whose image I’ll often shoot with a theme or a story in mind, with most of my mobile photography I usually allow my subconscious to guide me. I snap pictures of anything I should happen across, then later select one of those shots to play with and see what I can discover while experimenting with various apps. It is a relaxing process and I don’t usually keep track of what I am doing on a conscious level.
Recently, while on a walk, in my neighbourhood, I captured, on my iPhone 6, an image of intermingling palm fronds and pine branches.
A few days later I opened the image in iColorama for some editing play. Under Style, I used a little Flow and Lighten to enhance and offer a sparkle and energy to the needles and branches. Under Adjust I played with ToneLab, then I went into Form and chose Mirror, Preset 4 and adjusted set XMirror. The image became a mandala, to me, the center looking like a female nature spirt, with her branchy arms raised up and her woody fingers forming mudras about her head. At this point, in my creative process, intention set in and I decided to refine what accident created. The image was still abstract, so I subtly layered in a female face, hopefully to allow others to see what I imagine. I saved the image and opened it in Repix, where I added a spattering of stars to represent the cosmos and a few bokeh representing spirit energy orbs. As the image came into being I saw the essence of the mandala as a deity of the woods, a supernatural Forest Devi”.
‘Supernatural Forest Devi’©Mandolina Moon

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