Mobile Photography – The Evolution of Zoom Camera Technologies in Mobile Devices – White Paper
I have been engrossed in this white paper by Corephotonics Limited, the pioneer and worldwide market leader of dual camera technologies for mobile devices. Corephotonics’ primary mission is to perfect the mobile camera photography experience and to provide superior image quality by combining their novel optics, mechanics and computational photography technologies.
Corephotonics’ comprehensive technologies excel in addressing some of the most challenging deficits of existing smartphone cameras. They develop and deliver end-to- end multi-aperture solutions supporting the most professional photography capabilities, such as optical zoom, superb low-light performance, Bokeh and depth features, and optical image stabilization, all in an incredibly slim form factor. They partner with manufacturers at early design stages, matching each manufacturer’s unique design and imaging requirements, and providing continuous support through commercialization and mass production.
The future of mobile dual cameras is brighter than ever. Adoption rates surpassed analysts’ predictions, and all major OEMs plan to launch or have already launched handsets with zoom dual cameras. Now the race begins for higher zoom factors, better optical stabilization, lower Z-heights and better low-light performance – anything that improves the overall camera and handset user experience. In this paper, they have discussed some ways to increase the zoom factor and reduce the Z-height while maintaining superior image quality.
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