Mobile Photography – TrueView Interview – ‘Why I create Self Portraiture’ with Cecilia São Thiago from Brazil
Our TrueView Interview section is an area where we ask one singular question, to mobile photographers and artists and it is captured to video. This time, we asked highly accomplished Mobile Photographer and Artist, Cecilia São Thiago from Brazil to consider and answer ‘why I create self portraiture with my smartphone’. It is an interesting question to ponder, there are over 1.8 billion photos shared around the internet each day, many of these are selfies. The difference, we feel in our questioning is that we are asking artists. Therefore, do artists take self portraits because it gives them the opportunity to view themselves from the outside? That a considerable amount of other thoughts will, we hope, be uncovered in our new series of TrueView Interviews, enjoy!
Many artists are working on their videos right now and each video is as unique and individual as each artist. We are fully conscious and respectful that you are all capturing a part of yourself and sharing it with us and we love it.
Thank you for being a reader and viewer of our wonderful site. If you would like to view our previous TrueView Interviews, please go here.
“I see selfies like the many self-portraits made by so many artists throughout their careers, where they were common painters like Caravaggio, Albert Dürer, Gustav Courbet, Vermeer, Van Gogh, Picasso, Klee, Matisse, to name a few.
The self-portrait, for me, represents what you imagine, idea or idealisation. Constitution of a speech made in the first person, that is, of a visual autobiography. It reveals a self-directed, reflective look.
If this type of work and a deeper structure of the soul of the artist or if this simply serves as a model, the artist is undoubtedly the cheapest and available model to use. Whatever the reason, almost all artists, from painters to sculptors, tempted by their own exploration.
Expressive works and abstracts are deeply emotional and revealing.
I do not have it yet. My intention is to emphasise the prevailing feeling at the time of creation. And my explanation for the fascination that the self-portrait, as well as an image of today, is because we study our needs and study our inner, and represent how pains we carry is part of the larger intention embedded in this category of art. How will I be able to dismember, distort and rebuild a face that is not my own? Only by destroying our own face can we know ourselves.
My intention in creating this series that already has more than 1400 images is to create a strangeness with a merge between my face and the face of other people, which makes me think why I am the way I am, and what would happen if I were not me, if I had another face. As if another identity would change my way of seeing me, of seeing the world and of interacting with it.
My inspiration for the creation of the series is Francis Bacon (1928/1992) His paintings are often heard, with the theme rather than distorted or in the process of movement.
Thanks again to Joanne Carter for the opportunity to let me create a profusion of more than 80 images just to be able to deliver this video.
Thank you, thank you so much for taking the best of me, and thank you for stimulate my creativity”.
Video made by me without iPad and music
Music: Magic Theater By: Jan Hammer

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