Mobile Photography & Art My Top Five Apps by Juta Jazz from Cyprus
We are revitalising our Top Five Apps section to our Photo App Lounge column. This a section within TheAppWhisperer where we ask highly accomplished mobile photographers and artists to list their top five apps and to explain why they have selected them. Kicking us off today is accomplished mobile photographer and artist Juta Jazz from Cyprus. Take a look at her Top Five Apps… (foreword by Joanne Carter)
“I was asked by our dearest Joanne to mention my five favorite apps. So I did my counting and it looks like I have four my basic- favorites apps and for fifth I’m using many others, depending on the mood or details I want to add to my work..”
As usual I’m starting with Procreate, to resize the canvas, to vanish unwanted elements from background, to correct some details…”
MonoVu is my second, most used app, I use it to have dreamy and different effects of colours on figures and backgrounds.
Adobe Photoshop Touch
For my main work I was working with Photoshop Touch app, for layering, adding details, combining two to three images together and getting final compositions. For my big disappointment, with the lates iOS update, this app is not working anymore. I hope the app developers do the best, so to work with iOS 11, otherwise I should have to look for similar apps to work with.
[Editors note: Adobe Photoshop Touch, has now been discontinued from the App Store – I have listed some Adobe Photoshop alternatives below, although none really combine as much as PS Touch did in one]
As usual I’m using Stackables for final color and texture connections, also to finalize the work.
The fifth one – depending on the details I want to add: is Percolator, or Repix, or Enlight, sometimes Snapseed.
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