Mobile Photography – Instagram TAKEOVER with @cawestruck – Carol Wiebe – Day 4 – the story so far…
We are so excited with our latest Instagram TAKEOVER this time with @cawestruck – Carol Wiebe. She is a highly respected and talented artist and has been granted full access to our Instagram account and she has done such a magnificent job. We are very proud of her! Please take a look at her Instagram feed to see what an incredible artist she is.
On Day 4 @cawestruck highlighted the work of talented mobile photographer and artist @observing_m – Michael and she writes, “A shiver runs through me as I observe a figure, or figures, almost in silhouette, making their way through a large, manmade environment. The two figures are obviously comfortable, there is no visible fear in their body language, but I see the harsh light that renders them in sharp relief, the hard, straight lines of the walls and floor, and I know that my first time traversing this space, especially if I was alone, would be with great caution. Other images in this artist’s gallery continue to show interactions between figures and the structures they choose to surround themselves with. It is fascinationg to experience what kinds of memories and emotions the various environments evoke”.
Later on Day 4 @cawestruck discovered the work and world of @wstairs – Wayman Stairs and she writes “It is my pleasure to highlight “Searching for Answers” by @wstairs. Dali comes to mind, of course, viewing this digital artwork, but Wayman’s Stairs surreal images are entirely his own. The egg in the center of the hovering object is personally symbolic for Stairs—he has used it before. One can speculate it means new life, an embryonic beginning—a good place to start when you need information—but it is anyone’s guess why burning elephants are attending the search. Perhaps the answers that are being sought have been burned into their minds, an unfortunate side effect of not being able to forget”.
Also on Day 4 @cawestruck reflected on another of our Columnists and immensely talented artists @SarahJarrettart – Sarah Jarrett and she writes, “It is my pleasure to highlight this image by @SarahJarrettart. I will never forget the first time I saw one of Sarah Jarrett’s digital portraits: I was mesmerized and looked up any information I could find on her work and methods. Before that, I had not considered portraiture as something to pursue, but hers were wild and wacky and I was smitten. This particular image is what Sarah calls digital collage, but she paints landscapes, creates textile art, and a host of other creative endeavours too numerous to mention. Put on a pot of tea, type her name in a search string, and be prepared to spend an evening perusing her many talents and accomplishments”.
Thank you so much dear Carol, it is our privilege to see #theappwhisperer through your eyes, it’s so good.
Like all of these artists, please continue to tag your images on Instagram with #theappwhisperer in the hope to being selected and featured!

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