Mobile Photography – Instagram TAKEOVER with @cawestruck – Carol Wiebe – Day 14
We are so excited with our latest Instagram TAKEOVER this time with @carolwiebe – Carol Wiebe. She is a highly respected and talented artist and has been granted full access to our Instagram account and she has done such a magnificent job. We are very proud of her! Please take a look at her Instagram feed to see what an incredible artist she is.
Thank you so much dear Carol for a fabulous fourteen days, what an exhilarating journey it has been to see #theappwhisperer through your eyes, its been so good.
Please continue to tag all your images with #theappwhisperer as we have a new curator starting later on today…
On Day 14 @cawestruck highlighted the work of uber talented mobile artist @lorenka- Lorenka Campos and she writes “It is my pleasure to highlight “So Many Stories” by @lorenka. It is curious that the eyes of the main face, or “central character,” are hidden, and a stream of smaller faces covers them like a blindfold. Does this mean the stories are no longer visible to the main character? Or have the stories she is alluding to here blinded her to all others? In other words, can she no longer see what is before her because these stories are all she allows herself to see?
This line of thought has caused me to question my own stories. Do I fail to see the present because I am overly absorbed in past stories? Is it possible to retain the stories of my past if I remove them from my sight, take off the blindfold, and allow myself to have a clear, unobstructed vision? Does the blindfold represent my fear that I will lose those stories if they are not always conscious/in front of my eyes?
Lorenka’s image gives us so much to ponder. And then, because I must always push further, I wonder about the fact that the central figure’s ears are also covered. This may be incidental, but I am prompted to ask similar questions about hearing the stories, such as “Do I want to hear them? Am I weary of hearing them? Am I afraid I won’t hear them?” An effective image will always evoke a response in us, perhaps in dissimilar directions than the creator of the image intended. I am sure Lorenka would happily entertain our different interpretations regarding any of her evocative images.
It is very gratifying, when confronted by an image, to allow ourselves to freely explore our inner narration. If we are then able to compare responses with others, we are mutually enriched—our insights multiplied—by so many stories”.

Later on Day 14 @cawestruck highlighted the work of @bonobostonecreations – Bonobo Stone a mobile photographer we have long admired. She writes “It is my pleasure to highlight “Third Eye Open” by @bonobostonecreations. I have highlighted Stone before. The truth be known, I could have highlighted him every time he put up an image these last two weeks, but I was going for variety. I cannot pass by this image, however. First of all, the Third Eye, and all that it implies about higher consciousness and being being awakened, never fails to snag my attention. Stone has used an ordinary, normal person, like most of us, and used her to represent a highly extraordinary, deeply spiritual state. Does the image suggest, then, that the third eye is a normal, attainable state? Or is he denigrating it somewhat, questioning if there is such a state at all?
In some ways it doesn’t matter, because the viewer is always entitled to their own take of any given image.
However you view the woman Stone has placed in the vicinity of the third eye, you have to find the way the shoulder details of the sweater underline the larger subject’s eyes, and the buttons that travel down her face, with some amusement. The third eye is actually an entire face and torso—technically, there are two eyes there, plus all the varied body parts which, again, could render the whole concept ridiculous or hilarious on one level. But the young woman experiencing this “full bodied” opening of her third eye looks quite enthralled about what is happening. Her eyes are staring as if witnessing the other worldly, accentuated by her open mouth. Wonder, is what I would name her expression.
I am also experiencing wonder, on several different levels. I wonder what statement Stone, himself, is making. And I am in wonder at the beautiful, affective way he has combined these images. I have a feeling that, like this woman in a state of wonder, his mouth may be as buttoned up as hers is buttoned open. We shall “see.”

And then, a little later on Day 14 @cawestruck discovered this fabulous work by @christinemignon – Christine Mignon and she writes “Christine is a Hipstamatic enthusiast who describes photography as “my kind of Yoga, my relaxation, joy and balance.” This image has a quiet majesty that I find utterly appealing. A bird flying to its nest reminds us of our own nests, of being nurtured and hopefully doing some nurturing of our own. The stark beauty of the trees only emphasises the commitment of this lone bird to her own.
The sky seems a bit ominous, but if a storm may be brewing or night is falling, this bird is nearly home. We are glad for her safety, and happy for images like this to help us appreciate our own safety zones, our own coming home”.

And last but certainly not least @cawestruck highlights her own image and she writes “It is my pleasure to highlight “Our Heads Were In the Clouds” by @cawestruck.
Yes, this is my own image. Hilariously, I took a slow shutter selfie, played around with it in Procreate and Icolorama, and ended up with this portrait of my husband and I. I used it because, after two weeks of having my head up in the clouds, breathing in TheAppWhisperer’s rarified air, my IG takeover ends today.
I have thoroughly enjoyed being able to choose and exhilarating about so much wonderful work. I could have rhapsodised about many more—the talent of mobile artists is truly awe inspiring. But Joanne Carter assures me I will be back in this role in the future, and I look forward to that. TheAppWhisperer is all about encouragement for the Mobile Community, which I endorse and deeply appreciate”.

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